Saturday, July 25, 2015

Session 6 - Camp Josh - Days 1 & 2

The switch has been made again and I now have Josh for a few days.  The sessions are counting down and there is only one more to go this summer.  NO -- slow time down.  I don't want this to end just yet.

Okay, okay.  Focus on this week and let the rest wait.  So, every time I drive with these boys in the car, they go to sleep.  I'm starting to wonder if it's my driving or if they just don't get enough sleep in their daily lives.  Whichever it is, I wake him when we get to Weatherford as I want a DQ treat and am pretty sure he will too.  Now to get back on the road.  The day is quickly passing us by and we need to pick Grandpa up from work on time.

Day two --- Coffee shop time.  This always seems like a requested item and we take advantage of Grandpa's days off to enjoy it.

What is it with sitting upstairs?  We never do unless the kids are with us.

Along the walk home, we spot a cicada casing and get a lesson from Grandpa.

The lessons continue at home as Josh has spotted Grandpa's skull from when he was in dental school.  Every moment is a teaching moment and we both love to teach.

I love when Grandpa has the day off with the boys.  They love it too and today these two are playing with the LEGOS that are STILL all over the house.  I think perhaps I need to clean up this mess at some point.

We finish out the day with some filled cookies and call it good.  For the life of me, I can't remember what we made.  Help me Josh?

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