Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 - Year in Review

Wow -- another year has come and gone.  It truly seems that the older one gets, the quicker the years fly by.  I have absolutely no idea where it went.  Shall we take a look back and see?

January started out with Elena and Malea here for 2 weeks.  What a super special treat for us.  From there we went right into watching the Ohio State Marching Band - which I have admired for YEARS -- and then off to Boston I went with my nephew, Bob.  That was such a fun time and so great for both of us.  With such a great start to the new year, this month ended on a really tough note.  A dear friend lost his battle with cancer and I lost a true soul mate.  I don't think I've known sadness this deep before.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Christmas TRAIN!! for Mister

We were out estate sale shopping and came across this lovely Christmas train for a decent price.  Sometimes the kid in us all just has to come out.  It's now under our tree.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Josh's Baptism -- Fun Family Time

After a leisurely morning, Mister and I hit the road at noon for Abilene.  It's almost a three hour drive and we spend it visiting for awhile before I grab a notepad and start making some rough outlines of the week ahead.  Yeah, I'm just that anal.

Jen's house is always busy and today is no exception.  This is an exciting day with lots to prepare.  Josh had his birthday a couple of weeks ago so the first thing we do is give him his card.  I love the way he takes the time to read it and moves his finger along while doing so.  Then, the smile.  Yep, always makes it all worth it.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Making Tomato Bisque for Lunch

Starting with 6 large, fresh, ripe tomatoes:  Peel, seed, and chop.  To get the skins off, place the tomatoes in boiling water for about 30 seconds.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

I absolutely LOVE this time of year.  The house just looks so cozy and warm with all of the extra "stuff" around.  I know some think their houses look cluttered during the holidays, but I just embrace it and love it all the more.  Today, we turned our home into the magic of Christmas.  After bringing everything down from the attic, I set to work inside while Mister tackled the yard.  Apparently before lights can go up, bushes must be trimmed.  Thus Mr. Green Jeans sets to work.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Postmodern Jukebox Concert

Thanks to a wonderful gift from Mister's brother, we are off to a Postmodern Jukebox concert tonight down in Deep Ellum.  I am so excited and I don't even know what it is all about.

We have pretty good seats if people actually sit at this concert.  If not, well I won't see much.

The Splendor of Fall in Texas in December

It seems as though fall all over the country has been in force for months, but here in Texas it is just arriving.  My oak tree out back is absolutely beautiful right now.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

White Rock Dam -- Roaring

Rain, rain go away -- Doug and Debi want to play.  Oh, what the heck.  Let's go play anyway.  We are pretty sure that the water must really be flowing over the dam, so we take a little drive to check it out.  Enjoy what we see --- fall colors and lots of water.  Isn't this lovely?  Even with the rain.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Black Friday Done Right

Today is Black Friday and while the rest of the world is out standing in lines to spend money on sale items, Mister and I have opted for a different route.  We are meeting up with friends to enjoy some truly wonderful "black" beers.  Today black ales, black IPA's, brown ales, stouts, and porters are center stage for us.  The Lakewood Growler is our favorite hangout and even though we get there mere minutes after they open, we snag the last table.  A couple of acquaintances arrive and ask if they can share the table and we absolutely nod yes.  Our friends are due for awhile so why have those spots go to waste?  When they finish with their drinks, the minute the spots are vacated another two people ask to step in.  We are still waiting for Catherine and Jeff so say sure again.  Jen and (oh help me here -- for I cannot remember his name) ? definitely help keep the table lively and the time just keeps ticking by.

And The Rain Keeps a Coming On Down

It has been raining for DAYS and today is the first day out of the house in awhile.  The trees are just starting to turn and this is the view out of my back door today.  I can't wait for the sun to come and let me see the vibrancy of the colors.

As we are off to a Black Friday event, several roads are closed due to high water.  I try and grab a few pics while we drive.  Water, water, everywhere.  It's not as bad as last spring, but working on it for sure.

The road down to the lake is entirely under water which means the lake is probably beyond it's banks now.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving At Home

I do so love Thanksgiving.  It is by far the holiday that is the least stressful for me and allows for conversation and memory  making to take place.  This year it's a bit quiet as people's schedules are just too busy to be traveling.  Well, let's see then.  Who can we invite at the last minute that won't likely have big family plans?  Mom H. is on board for sure and so Mister and I ask Tina, Sabrina, and Cecilia over.  Yay -- my table is full and I'm happy.

We have a great time and Mister's turkey turns out scrumptious.  My favorite moment of the day?  Cecilia waiting for dinner and continuously saying, "I'm so excited to eat."  Ah, makes my heart feel good.  Hope your day was filled with love and laughter as well.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Day in the Kitchen

I have decided that today is a kitchen day.  I've also decided that I need more of these.  I LOVE to cook and have not done it near enough lately.  I think there is a New Year's resolution in the works here.  Perhaps with an early start even.

Prepping for Thanksgiving is always enjoyable to me and today I have a visitor outside my window who is keeping it extra fun.  He keeps flying at the window as if he wants in and raises up the feathers on the back of his head to me.  Am I that cute?

I even tried opening the door and talking to him, but he doesn't leave.  I wonder what would happen if I opened the door and left it that way.  Would he come right in?

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Date Day -- Zoo Fun

Mister and I are sneaking away today for a trip down to the zoo.  It seems like it has been ages since we have been here with just the two of us.  I wonder what fun awaits us ---

When we arrive at the entrance, we spot this absolutely wonderful LEGO sculpture of polar bears.  Oh I wish we had bears at our lovely zoo, but isn't this just incredible.  There will be an entire display of LEGO animals starting in January.  Well, that makes it a must to return.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Real Ale Dinner

Ah Mister -- You wonderful man you.  He has bought tickets to a Real Ale dinner hosted by Whole Foods at which the owner, Brad Farbstein, will be there.  Lucky me.  Let's go have some wonderful food paired with great beer.  We all gather together for visiting and to sample the Hans Pils.  Then it is off to the dining area.  First up:  Hatch Chile Chicken Arancini paired with Firemans 4.  These are just so dang yummy.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Fun in Utah - Days 4-7

Day 4 -  We have another fun event planned for today.  One of the local shopping centers in Salt Lake City, Gardner Village, is having a Witches Festival.  It sounds super fun AND it has a quilt shop so for me that's a win win.  The first place we go is the quilt shop where we find a fun couple of things to make for Ophelia.  She, on the other hand, finds a great little corner to hang out in while we shop.  Once we finish, it's time to check out the fun going on around us.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fun in Utah - Days 1-3

It's another up, up, and away evening for me.  I kind of like afternoon flights as I was able to accomplish quite a bit today and now am able to just sit back, relax and let the marvels of technology whisk me away to another realm.  But first --- a glass of wine and something to eat.  Caprese sounds perfect and now I am ready to fly.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Five Years Married

Happy Anniversary to us.  Five Years!!!  Wow -- where has the time gone?  We have opted for just a short little jaunt this year.  A couple of days to ourselves.  What more do we really need?  Nothing, honest.

Mister is taking me to Oklahoma this weekend to visit where he went to college and see the area.  It's all new to me so let's get going.  He wants to take it casually so we get a VERY early start.  The moon is just setting and the sun has not yet shown it's beauty but we are on the road.  Ah, here comes the sunrise.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Birthday Breakfast with Bob

Happy Birthday to my nephew Bob.  He has left those teen years behind and moved onto being a 20-something.  Congratulations.

A wonderful morning at Cafe Brazil.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Welcome Home from Mister

After being gone for 12 days, these gorgeous welcome home flowers greet me today.  Lovely, simply lovely.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Telluride Time - Last Five Days

9/7  Today is clean up the house day.  Amanda and Trent are returning tonight and I want it perfect for them.  We all pitch in and even get all the laundry finished.  There is time for an afternoon walk to the waterfall which is great fun, especially after seeing the bear yesterday.

Soon, though, everyone relaxes and enjoys the walk.

Caleb treats us to the usual and drops his pants to pee.  This kid seriously doesn't give  a rip who is around.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Telluride Time - First Seven Days

8/31  Up, up, and away.  Look out Telluride -- here I come.  It's a direct flight to Montrose where we land and use stairs and a ramp to deplane.  Then a small walk into the airport.  I haven't done that in awhile.  I am picked up at the airport by a shuttle as there is a crisis at the dental office and my daughter can't make the trip.  No problem.  My only worry is if he will stop at the quilt shop so I can pick up the Row by Rows that people want.  He obliges me and $100.00 later, we are on our way to Telluride.  Fantastic driver.  When I get to town, I have some time to kill before Amanda is free so I wander the streets.  First thing I spot in a window:  this sweet little Featherweight.  Yes, I asked.  No, she is not for sale.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Jen's in Town Overnight

My daughter has a chance to come and stay for the night and I am super stoked.  It's not often that she can just come and visit and I want to take complete advantage of it.  Chatting, napping, chatting, sewing . . . all will take place.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Friday, August 7, 2015

Session 7 - Colorado Boys - Days 5 & 6 and Travel

We have tackled most of the places these three wanted to visit while here but haven't done the things here at the house that they want yet.  Today we are staying in and doing just that.  I have bird houses to build but the only one who wants to is Caleb.  The other two want to chill and watcha a movie.  No worries.  Come on Caleb, let's make a birdhouse.  With glue guns at the ready, we soon have this little cutie ready to hang.  Grandpa can help Caleb with that when it's all dry and ready.  Good job, little man.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Session 7 - Colorado Boys - Travel and Days 3 & 4

August in Dallas --- always toasty.  Period.  However, that does not stop these guys from wanting to go and play.  Today's request is the trampoline center and I'm happy to oblige.  We have played in the house all morning, been picked up by the bus, and are now at the train station.  We have two trains to take and then a bus to get us kind of close to the center.  Yep, it's a challenge but these guys are always happy to try anything.  Well, most of them anyway.  Caleb just may be in a mood today.

Things improve when we get to Jumpstreet and he joins right in with the "guys."

It's a regular jump fest for quite awhile and then he gets hurt.  Dang it.  The two older boys head for dodgeball and I take Caleb down to the area for smaller kids.  That seems to bring smiles and he is happier now.  I know it doesn't really look like it, but I promise.  This is happy.  I try like crazy to get a picture of Raef but none turn out.  Ryan, however, I do manage to catch in the act.

That's it for our time here.  Two hours just zoom on by.  We are now waiting for our bus back home.  Tired and hot little boys.

Once home, it is time to get dinner ready as Grandpa will be home soon.  I get some help with the corn from Caleb while the boys play a game together.  It's been a fun day but I'm just as beat as they are.  The heat really takes it out of ya.  Tomorrow is another day.

Good morning!  Yes, it's a good one.  Not too hot out and we are up and moving.  Today's request is for the zoo.  We have been picked up at the house by the bus and are now waiting for the train again.  Yep, this is life in the city without a car.

Waiting, waiting, waiting . . .

"I see it!"

A short time later, we have arrived at the zoo.  Now, while we were waiting for the second train, we met up with some missionaries on their "P" day and they are going to the zoo as well.  As we arrive at the gate, I call them over to have them receive a discount through me.  Yep, good deed for the day.  Now -- FIRST things FIRST -- we must play on the dinosaur exhibit.  Yikes, careful Caleb.  These guys are already thinking of a new video to make next year and want me to use these pictures for it.  Dang, that's a long ways away and I'm pretty sure I'll forget by then.

We make our way to the Children's Zoo and the Underzone.  These guys really like this area and I think it's pretty cool too.  Today they are very lucky as the mongoose are very active right now and they get an upclose view of them.  How fun is that?  I have actually crawled through that thing a time or two myself.  It gets harder the older I get, but I can still do it.  Do I want to?  Sometimes.

There are also Naked Mole Rats in here.  Yuck, but fascinating all at the same time.

Right next to the Underzone is the Bird's Landing where you can feed and likely hold many types of birds.  They fly right to the food and hang out.  The boys want to feed them so in we go.

I love that they are not afraid to try new things.  For some people, birds can be quite scary and I'm happy it's not for them.

After the Children's area, we go to the Koala Walkabout and stop in at Lorikeet Landing where we are once again able to feed the birds.  This time with a nectar instead of a stick and these lorikeets are a little more persnickety.  Some days they will land on you, others - not so much.

Today is one of the not so much days.  The one who ALWAYS gets them to land on him is Jared.  How? I'll never know.

Caleb is very serious about this task and is being super careful.

A stop at the dinosaurs is required and fun is to be had by all.  Some spit randomly, some you can shoot at others all on your own.

Look out!

Again, they are hoping for me to make another video so they are acting as though the dinosaurs cannot see them.  I'm supposed to make a video from still shots?  I'm sure it can be done, but not by me.

One of the activities going on is the collection of dinosaur cards.  They have been picking them up around the zoo today and want to stop and see just what they are missing.  Oh, and the older two are doing their best to rob Caleb of his good ones.  Good thing Gammy is around to put a halt to that.

Whose hungry?  Apparently all of us.  We make a stop for food on the Savanna and, of course, pizza wins out again.  These guys would live on pizza if they could.

Now, I wonder if we can find some animals that are hungry too.  Let's give it a try.  Where are those giraffes?  Ah, there they are and yep, they're hungry too.

Oops, can't miss the obligatory elephant shots --- apparently Raef and Ryan are opting for something a little different this time around.

Over at the Wild Encounters Stage, there is a flamingo talk going and we stop for a listen.  One of the flamingos is quite funny as she is in love with her keeper and rarely moves very far away.  Super cute.  Well that's about it for today.  It's afternoon and getting HOT.  It's time to go home and have some quiet time.  Perhaps a movie and some popcorn.  We'll see.

After Grandpa gets home from work, we decide to run up to the splashpad for a real cooling off.  The temps have climbed and it feels super good to just play in the water for awhile.

The parks department sponsors these and they are wonderful.  For some reason, it's not packed at all this evening and we are in shock.  Take advantage boys as it may not last long.

Well, that's it.  Another day is a wrap.  Keeping up with these three definitely takes a bit of energy and I need to replenish.

Grandpa handles the nightly baths and soon the house is quiet again.  The sad part?  I can't stay awake to enjoy it.  Night all.