Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving At Home

I do so love Thanksgiving.  It is by far the holiday that is the least stressful for me and allows for conversation and memory  making to take place.  This year it's a bit quiet as people's schedules are just too busy to be traveling.  Well, let's see then.  Who can we invite at the last minute that won't likely have big family plans?  Mom H. is on board for sure and so Mister and I ask Tina, Sabrina, and Cecilia over.  Yay -- my table is full and I'm happy.

We have a great time and Mister's turkey turns out scrumptious.  My favorite moment of the day?  Cecilia waiting for dinner and continuously saying, "I'm so excited to eat."  Ah, makes my heart feel good.  Hope your day was filled with love and laughter as well.

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