Sunday, November 29, 2015

White Rock Dam -- Roaring

Rain, rain go away -- Doug and Debi want to play.  Oh, what the heck.  Let's go play anyway.  We are pretty sure that the water must really be flowing over the dam, so we take a little drive to check it out.  Enjoy what we see --- fall colors and lots of water.  Isn't this lovely?  Even with the rain.

The view makes it look as though the water is non-stop.  There is a drop-off just past the pillars.

Even the birds are dang tired of the rain.  Trying for some reprieve under the leaves.

Although for some --  I guess nothing slows them down.

It's always fun to get some fresh air and move the joints around a bit.  Now, back to the house and the warmth.  Brrrr.

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