Friday, November 27, 2015

And The Rain Keeps a Coming On Down

It has been raining for DAYS and today is the first day out of the house in awhile.  The trees are just starting to turn and this is the view out of my back door today.  I can't wait for the sun to come and let me see the vibrancy of the colors.

As we are off to a Black Friday event, several roads are closed due to high water.  I try and grab a few pics while we drive.  Water, water, everywhere.  It's not as bad as last spring, but working on it for sure.

The road down to the lake is entirely under water which means the lake is probably beyond it's banks now.

The picture above is where the bike trail that connects to the road to the lake is.  Gone.  Below, you can see where the road becomes covered as well.

The other side of the highway:

And another view of the road to the lake.  Yep, it's gone.  We'll try and get some pictures of the dam later this week.  Now, onto our event.

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