Friday, November 27, 2015

Black Friday Done Right

Today is Black Friday and while the rest of the world is out standing in lines to spend money on sale items, Mister and I have opted for a different route.  We are meeting up with friends to enjoy some truly wonderful "black" beers.  Today black ales, black IPA's, brown ales, stouts, and porters are center stage for us.  The Lakewood Growler is our favorite hangout and even though we get there mere minutes after they open, we snag the last table.  A couple of acquaintances arrive and ask if they can share the table and we absolutely nod yes.  Our friends are due for awhile so why have those spots go to waste?  When they finish with their drinks, the minute the spots are vacated another two people ask to step in.  We are still waiting for Catherine and Jeff so say sure again.  Jen and (oh help me here -- for I cannot remember his name) ? definitely help keep the table lively and the time just keeps ticking by.

Catherine arrives and we pull up a chair for her and before long Jeff joins the group as well.  We are now super snug at our little table but no one seems to mind.  Gotta tell you, watching Catherine and Jeff together is pretty dang cute.  Like Mister and I, they have not been together FOREVER and are truly enjoying each other.

The nice thing about craft beer is that you CAN sit and enjoy them for hours without getting toasted.  We are there for about 6 hours but only drink about 3 beers each and a sampler between us.  No issues, just a really nice time with friends.  What a great time.  I TRY, and cannot emphasize that enough, to get a group selfie (or as my grandson calls them, usie) but it is a challenging area in my life.  It is what it is and I missed ?  Thanks all for a great day.

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