Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fun in Utah - Days 1-3

It's another up, up, and away evening for me.  I kind of like afternoon flights as I was able to accomplish quite a bit today and now am able to just sit back, relax and let the marvels of technology whisk me away to another realm.  But first --- a glass of wine and something to eat.  Caprese sounds perfect and now I am ready to fly.

It's dinner time in Salt Lake when I arrive and after being picked up by Cassie and Ophelia, we stop for dinner.  It just feels good to be together again.

With full tummies, the road takes us back to their home and the minute we walk in, Ophelia runs to get the quiet book I gave her last June.  Do you know what that does to my heart?  She remembers me.  Being so far away in Texas and having minimal chances to be together -- I love that she remembers.

Since it is now fairly late there isn't too much time for fun, so stories and bed time are the next order of business.

Indeed, for all of us.  As I go down to my room I am greeted by fresh roses from Cassie's yard and the sweetest welcoming note.  It says, "Welcome!!!  We are so glad to have you here.  Can't wait to have an amazing time with Momma and Gammy!  Love you - Cassie"  Tears of joy are streaming down my face as I crawl into bed.

Day 2 - Good morning!!!  It's a lovely fall day in the mountains and after a quiet start in which I am snuggled in on the sofa working on a very repulsive hand work project (I have to rip out the quilting gone bad in a new quilt), the house comes to life gradually.

Our activity for the day is to go swimming.  Well, I was warned and did bring a swimsuit so I guess here we go.

It is instantly obvious that Ophelia loves the water so very  much.  With two people here, we have more hands and a chance to take some pictures as well.  How about a slide?

Whee -- oh this is just so fun.  What a little sweetie.  I am thrilled to have this moment, even though the water is just not all that warm for these old bones.  The time here is worth it all.

She's pretty pleased and by clapping lets us know that she wants more.  Cassie is teaching her some sign language and this is one she has down pat.

We decide to go for a float in the lazy river, which isn't very lazy at all.  It moves quite rapidly BUT it is oh so warm.  Now since she has to be held, she's not near as impressed with this as the part where she can run around, but we manage a couple of loops anyway.

Across from the lazy river is a lap pool but it also has a little basketball hoop in it.  Cassie and O try to shoot a few while I watch.

At this point, Cassie let's O out of the water and she takes off like a lightning bolt for the other pool.  I react, but just not quite fast enough and soon we are both falling into the other pool.  I get her up and out of the water pretty quick but am not sure just how well I'll be moving for awhile.  You see, it was a little deeper than I thought when I ran in and I lost my footing, taking me down pretty hard.  Silly old woman.

It's back to the calm area for us for awhile. and then it's time to go.  We find a family changing room and work to get all three of us into dry clothes.  Since we arrived in suits, we didn't have that process at the beginning.  Wish we didn't now too.  Once we are dry and dressed, Cassie spots a climbing wall near the exit and wants to give it a try.  Ophelia watches and then has a turn herself.  Great climbing shoes Mommy.  Time to go home and have lunch and naps.

That was pretty much our big moment for the day and I spent the rest of the time just hanging out, visiting, and relaxing.  It feels good.

Day 3- There is a place here called Corn Belly's every fall and Cassie used to work the maze here a long time ago.  It's open today so we are going to go and check it out.  Here's hoping Ophelia has a good time too.

She's just so tiny next to the cornstalks.  Love it.

We find a tent FULL or corn kernels to play in.  Yes, it's crazy but they are about 6" deep and the area is packed with kids.  Finding an empty corner, we sit down to see what will happen.  She lets us bury her up to her waist and just looks at us trying to understand what we have done.  No giggles, just looks of wonder.  "Hey guys, what's up with this?"

We stay here for quite awhile and she is not too pleased at leaving when the time comes.  I guess she does like it after all.

Across the way there is a little musical show going on and she turns her head right away to watch.  We take seats and enjoy it along with her.  I don't believe I've ever seen singing corn before.

Now for some fun.  Let's give the slide a try.  OH MY GOSH!  The line is crazy long so I take a place in it and let them wander around and play until it is time for them to climb the stairs.

She LOVES it and wants to go again.  (See the sign for more?) Back to the line I go.

I see where there is a dog show on the schedule and take Ophelia to find seats for us while Cassie hunts down some lunch.  We'll just eat while we wait for the show to start as I don't think we'd find seats if we waited.

She brings back an enormous amount of food that 6 of us wouldn't be able to eat, but we have a bit of everything.  I'm most interested in the drink.  I'm dang thirsty right now.

Oh hey --it's time for the show to start.  Wow -- these dogs can really fly.

We have time for one last ride so we make our way over to the cow train for a quick ride.  Then we have to call it a day.  This has been super fun but it is naptime and yesterday Cassie made a hair appointment for me this afternoon.  Apparently it is time for me to get my hair cut.  I have not cut it since I got the report back that I was cancer free.  This will be challenging for me but I know it needs to be done.  Here we go.

Before and after pics.

Well --- what do ya'll think?  Look at all that white in there.  Scary.  Oh the curl?  Well that just shows up when it is short.  All natural.

Our final event for the evening is to go and get some ice cream.  Cassie has a place she loves and we are soon off to Farr's.  Oh goodness.  I get a salted caramel that I have, quite simply, never tasted a better one.  It is divine.  This is a must stop from now on.  Love, love, love.  Oh -- Ophelia loves hers too.  What a great day.  I loved every bit of it.  Well most of it anyway -- loved the end results no matter what.  See ya tomorrow.

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