Monday, October 19, 2015

Fun in Utah - Days 4-7

Day 4 -  We have another fun event planned for today.  One of the local shopping centers in Salt Lake City, Gardner Village, is having a Witches Festival.  It sounds super fun AND it has a quilt shop so for me that's a win win.  The first place we go is the quilt shop where we find a fun couple of things to make for Ophelia.  She, on the other hand, finds a great little corner to hang out in while we shop.  Once we finish, it's time to check out the fun going on around us.

There is music playing everywhere and little miss starts dancing in the walkway to it without any prompting.  Her dancing really resembles just turning in circles, but it's cute for sure.

There is a small pond on the property complete with ducks and a few witches displays.

Ophelia is fascinated with the water and if we let go for even a second, she makes a beeline for it.  After yesterday, we are both a bit gunshy and only stay in this area for a short time.

The witch displays are pretty cool and the shops are selling all sorts of cool clothing to go along with the theme.  We TRY for a brief moment to get a picture of me and O, not much luck.

Across the street is an area set up just for kids complete with fun activities along with a witch who meets you at the door.  O is not at all sure about her.  I like that she has red hair, but she's a little scary to me too.  Cassie, what is that look?  I LOVE it.  Are you being surprised, scared, or just silly.  Whatever, it is fun on you.

Just past the boxcar containing the witch is a spider web (net) apparatus to play on.  It wiggles if someone touches it so we bounce her for quite awhile receiving giggles galore as we do.

Pure happiness!

Inside the tent are lots more things to do.  There are tunnels to crawl through, witches brooms to get past, mazes, and another corn kernel corral.  However, the item that really catches her attention and keeps her interest is the giant blow up pillow outside.  I THOUGHT I had taken a video of this but cannot locate it anywhere.  Drat.

At any rate, there is a long line and we stand in it twice for her and each time she is very sad when she has to leave.  She truly loved this activity.  The tears could be part because it's time for lunch and a nap as well.  Time to go.

We do stop real quick right outside the gate for a quick picture.  Wow --- here comes thunder thighs herself.  Man I need to lose weight.  Now - home for lunch, naps, dinner, and some quiet time playing.

Day 5 - They really do fall up right here in the Salt Lake Valley.  Today we are off to a Scarecrow Festival at Thanksgiving Point.  I used to love the scarecrow festivals back in Billings and kind of miss that whole fall feeling down in Texas.  It is my favorite season and I do love everything associated with it.

The scarecrows are scattered throughout the gardens along a path and we are asked to vote on our favorite one.  I can't quite make up my mind but find several that I like.

Ophelia finds one that she absolutely loves.  (I looked -- didn't see a "don't touch" sign nearby)

At the end of the scarecrow path is a nice little picnic area and there are several food stands ready to make sure no one leaves hungry.  Cassie goes off to grab some lunch while Oph and I play near the tables.  I am trying so hard to get some fun pictures of her for at home, but it's a crap shoot at best.

It takes Cassie quite awhile but she returns with yummy food and we are all soon full and ready to continue on.

Our view from the food stand area is of the lake and waterfalls.  Lovely!

Right near the lake they have set  up a toddler maze out of hay bales.  Oph is playing peek a boo with me but when Cassie spots the picture and tries to play along -- Oph is way more interested in what Mom is doing.

As we start our journey back up the hill and towards the entrance, we spot these wonderful scarecrow "peek through" stands.  Will Ophelia do it?  Let's  try and see where it takes us.  Oh -- she does so good.  Perfect.

Switch places now.  This has been another wonderful morning adventure and it's quickly approaching nap time once again.  It's time to take this little one home and spend the rest of the day in quiet calm.  Well -- at least some quiet calm.  Some crazy run around fun too.

Day 6 - It's a quiet day today.  We have church and then dinner at the Ashton's tonight.  It's been go, go, go all weekend so this is a nice break.  I am up earlier than everyone else and sitting on my bed cutting out parts for an upcoming Christmas block exchange.  I have 18 to make of each of these two groupings:  one Santa and one Ho Ho Ho's.  It means lots of cutting out small pieces.  Later in the evening, I peek in on some fun playtime going on in Mom and Dad's room.

Day 7 - It's my last day here as I fly out SUPER early tomorrow morning.  Crazy early in fact.  That will mean an early evening, but today is a total stay at home, play, make memory day.  We are just enjoying being together.  I'm always game for a selfie or two -- they never turn out, but I sure keep trying.

Apparently looking at the screen is not the best way to do this.  I think perhaps we should look at the lens?  I'll try again another time.

We take a little time to go and shop for some new dresses for Ophelia.  I don't have a picture of all the cute stuff we found but Cassie posed for a rather unusual one with Oph's doll and one of the dresses.  Yes, fun times for sure.

Dinner is at a little local pizza spot.  Oh it is so yummy and Ophelia eats like there is never going to be food again.  Kids and pizza.  Always a winner.

My last few moments with Oph are during bath time.  She's about ready for bed and so am I.  This has been such a great visit and I can't wait to come again.  Hopefully it won't be a terrible long time.  Thank you Cass and Scott for having this fun time with me.  Love ya tons.

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