Sunday, September 6, 2015

Telluride Time - First Seven Days

8/31  Up, up, and away.  Look out Telluride -- here I come.  It's a direct flight to Montrose where we land and use stairs and a ramp to deplane.  Then a small walk into the airport.  I haven't done that in awhile.  I am picked up at the airport by a shuttle as there is a crisis at the dental office and my daughter can't make the trip.  No problem.  My only worry is if he will stop at the quilt shop so I can pick up the Row by Rows that people want.  He obliges me and $100.00 later, we are on our way to Telluride.  Fantastic driver.  When I get to town, I have some time to kill before Amanda is free so I wander the streets.  First thing I spot in a window:  this sweet little Featherweight.  Yes, I asked.  No, she is not for sale.

Continuing my wander, I spot one of the tents being used for the Film Festival this week.  It's going to be crazy in town with that all going on but should be fun too.

A walk down by the river nets some nice moments of solitude and beauty.

I decide to ride the gondola up and down for something to do.  LOVE that it is free and available.  The last time I was here, it was down for maintenance.  It's this lovely?

Once Amanda is off work, we pick up kids head home, and do the evening rituals.  My camera went into hiding.

9/1  It's Tuesday I am home alone with everyone gone for the day between work and school.  It's incredibly quiet - so much so that when I talk to myself, it makes an echo.  Being without internet, phone, television, or radio makes one realize how much they impact our lives.  I am settling in on the sofa and have created a nest of papers around me.  I have budget to do and also need to rework all the clues for my upcoming mystery.  Once I have my paperwork back in order, I take out the ironing board and press some fabric that I have brought along with doing the ironing for Amanda.  I feel good about today.  Doesn't budget work suck?  BUT, it has to be done.

When everyone gets home, the place is a mad house getting through dinner, homework, and stuff.  I find my camera for just a few pictures.  What is up with that?  More quiet everywhere.

9/2 It's another gorgeous day in the mountains.  Once the house is empty, I go on a hunt.  I know Amanda has a cutting mat and rotary cutter (dang TSA in not letting me carry one on).  Once I have located those items, I set up a small station on the end of the table.  Look at what I can see out the window while working.  It's incredible.  I am at peace.

In the middle of this, I put a pork roast in the oven and the house smells oh so good.  Remembering that I don't have an outdoor shot of the quilt I made Amanda for last Christmas, I grab it and do exactly that.  Oh my.  All quilts should have such a backdrop.  How lovely.

That's it for today.  No pics of family again as we had dinner and then it was time for baths and homework.  Kinda mundane stuff.

9/3  I'm alone again and I have found a sewing machine and am spending my day doing just that.  Amanda and Trent have left for their trip to Philadelphia so I am not worried about cleaning this sewing mess up - it can just stay put for a few days.

Since I'm flying solo now, I go and pick up the boys from school.  That, of course, requires an ice cream stop.  After all, what are Gammy's for?

Treats - yes treats, of course.

9/4 Today is my very busy day.  I will be in Telluride all day!  Yep, Caleb and I drop the boys off at school and then we are off for donuts.  He is just oh so excited.  Truly, he is.  The pic just doesn't show it.  Next stop is the library where I am able to get some stuff finished on the computer while we hand out until the boys get out of school at noon.

At that time, we go meet them and I give Raef some money to take his girlfriend out for ice cream while Ryan, Caleb, and I  go to the post office real quick.  While there we find a package for Raef that  he is thrilled with when I give it to him.  It's a bunch of New England Patriot stuff that he has been waiting for FOREVER.  I know, right?

Next is pizza for lunch, a visit to the toy store, play time at the park and soccer practice for Raef.  All of this while Telluride is starting the film festival.  There are people in lines EVERYWHERe and guess who comes out to the park for a screening -- Meryl Streep.  Yep, that's right and no, I was not smart enough to get a picture.  Color me star struck.  Now, what is up with me?  Where on earth is my camera and why am I not using it this trip.  So many things I could have had pictures of, but don't.  We end the day with a movie night -- perfect day.

9/5 The boys have asked for a day at home to just hang out and play.  Well, that's easy enough to do.  They are having a great time together so I sew for while.  Other than that -- not much going on here except regular life of cooking, laundry, etc.

9/6  I promised the boys that we would make cookies but are out of eggs.  The stop of at the store just makes my jaw drop.  check out the prices on these eggs.  Oh my.  Since we are in town, we also go to the park (yep, film festival goers everywhere).

 and then have pizza for lunch again.  Hmmm -- are we see a pattern here?  I think kids could eat pizza for every meal and not tire of it.

While at the pizza place, they boys find a game to play for awhile as well.

Once we are back home, it's spaghetti for dinner.  While making dinner, I look out the window and we have a visitor.  Calling to the boys to come quick, we all climb onto the sofa to watch.  This occupies us all for a while as we take picture after picture.  I even set the supreme bad example and go out on the deck to get a better picture.

After dinner, I sew for just a bit and then declare that it is cookie time.  Raef proclaims that this is the "Best weekend ever."  We end with a movie, popcorn, and Dr. Pepper.  Yep, I'm a cool Gammy.

Well that's it for today.  I've been a bit lean on pictures this week, but memory making has been very high.

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