Friday, September 11, 2015

Telluride Time - Last Five Days

9/7  Today is clean up the house day.  Amanda and Trent are returning tonight and I want it perfect for them.  We all pitch in and even get all the laundry finished.  There is time for an afternoon walk to the waterfall which is great fun, especially after seeing the bear yesterday.

Soon, though, everyone relaxes and enjoys the walk.

Caleb treats us to the usual and drops his pants to pee.  This kid seriously doesn't give  a rip who is around.

The waterfall is gorgeous and I'm so glad we got out for awhile.

Just breathtaking.  These are the moments when I truly miss living in the mountains.  Moments when I rethink the whole "living in Texas" thing.

Soon it is time to head back and the boys are going to take me on a "shortcut."  Oh please let this work out.

Fortunately it does, and when we return home, they stay out to play for awhile before coming in to end out the afternoon with a movie and then start getting ready for school tomorrow.  Mom and Dad will be home late tonight after everyone is asleep.

9/8  - Trent is at work, the boys are back in school after Amanda dropping them off.  She has returned home and is sleeping so I am just reading my book until she is ready to start her day.  We go into town for lunch and to pick up kids.  It's a pretty mellow day.

9/9 -  Caleb forgot his shoes this morning and Ryan forgot a shirt so I am off to town for awhile.  I have a car and am going to use it.  After having brunch with Amanda, I drive to Placerville in the hopes of finding a treasure at the antique store, but it is closed.  I drive back and explore Mountain Village, even taking another ride on the gondola.  Ah, my heart.  Such beauty.

As I return to the house, I spot a dock through the trees and find the need to stop and photograph it.

That leads me to a picture of the aspen trees.  Again, wonderful.

For the evening, Amanda and I go out to dinner and then to one of the film festival movies.  We start with a strawberry mojito and then are off to the Nugget theater.

At the theater, I make a pit stop in the restroom and spot a little sign.  I have to admit that I love it so much I took this picture to share.

Feel free to giggle.  I did.

9/10  I start out the morning crocheting (everyone is gone again) and the decide to drive the little sports car to Norwood for some sightseeing.

There are several scenic pullouts along the way, most referencing past mining places, that are so lovely.

A little further down the road are the "red rocks" that Caleb uses as a landmark as to how far from home he is.  I have to admit that I think they are pretty cool too and drive along hoping to find a good place to stop and take a picture.  Will the light cooperate?  Kind of, but not really.  They are way more red in person.

This one is a bit better.

On the way back, I stop at Telluride Truffles to purchase a treat for Mister and that ends my morning journey and I head back to the house for more crocheting.  There is a party at the house tonight so Amanda has the food all planned and we get started the minute she is home.  It's a nice evening and at one point the kids are treated to roasting marshmallows outside over the fire pit on the deck.  What could be more perfect?  I am a wee mit melancholy though, as I have to leave for home tomorrow.  I've been here for 10 days and it's definitely time.  I miss my sweet Mister and am ready for some "just us two" time.

9/11  It's a fly day.  My time here has come to an end so after saying good-bye to the big boys, Amanda, Caleb, and I are off to Montrose for the morning before my flight.  She has several errands to run and doesn't come into town often enough to just make a trip in for me.  One of our morning stops takes us to the Montrose library as she tries to get her driver's license renewed.  What a mess she has and it is the only place she can access a computer right now.

The time has come for me to go to the airport.  So sad.  After a great lunch, I get dropped off and am soon cruising through the air on my way home.  I don't have a direct fly this go round so make a stop in Denver that has a pretty long layover due to yet another delay.  I swear they find me on the roster and say, "delay this plane."

Time for a pit stop.  I meet a couple of gentlemen who are also on my flight and we visit while enjoying a beer.  I look up and notice that everyone at the gate is now standing.  It must be time to go.

Oh -- there you are Dallas.  Yep, it's late.

What a great time I have had this past 10 days.  I am ready to be home, for sure, but loved every minute of being there.  Please have me back some time and until then, thank you all for a great trip.

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