Friday, November 11, 2022

Cassie's Time - Day 1

 Good Morning Provo, Utah!  It's a crisp, cool beginning with a beautiful backdrop.  We are up early and on our way to Cassie's so that we can catch all the grands before they head off to school.  We lost a full day here with our snowstorm fiasco, so we want to make the most of the time we do have.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Travel Time - Unexpected Craziness

 We are on the road again.  Saying a temporary good-bye to Montana with one last look at the lake.  This will ALWAYS feel like home to me. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Montana - Mom's Time - Days 10-12

 It turns out that Mom will be hosting Christmas this year so the decision is made to get the house ready.  Yep, it's early but she will be able to enjoy it for a long time (January) and she has lots of help today.  On your mark, get set, let's go.  Boxes everywhere and pretties coming out.  The very last item is the tree and it's been years since I got to decorate a tree with my mom.  I loved it.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Montana - Mom's Time - Days 7--9

 A drive into town allowed us to peek around the area and survey the damage from the heavy snow on trees that were still fully leafed out.  It's not pretty.  These are just down the country road from Mom's house.  Doesn't look too bad, right?

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Montana - Mom's Time - Days 4-6

 November has arrived and I'm making a trip into town for a few errands.  Since I'm all alone, stops along the way to celebrate the beauty of Autumn are easy to accommodate.  It is just such a beautiful Flathead Fall.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Montana - Mom's Time - Days 1-3

 Another travel day for us.  Today we are crossing the state of Montana and watching the changing views as the terrain goes from farmland/prairie to mountain.  Additionally, we go from fall to winter and back again through the journey.  Take a peek.

Rows of feeder corn.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Montana - Matt's Time

Four p.m. on the 21st has arrived and we are hitting the road.  Leaving Dallas at rush hour is always an experience and it takes us a wee bit.  By the time the sun goes down, we are well on our way past the metroplex. 

By midnight, we are just leaving Texas.  Yep, 8 hours into the trip and Hello Oklahoma.  Time for me to sleep a bit - Mister is pulling the all-nighter.