Thursday, November 3, 2022

Montana - Mom's Time - Days 4-6

 November has arrived and I'm making a trip into town for a few errands.  Since I'm all alone, stops along the way to celebrate the beauty of Autumn are easy to accommodate.  It is just such a beautiful Flathead Fall.

This one is so fun.  At certain times of the year it is just water - others have different plant life.  I can remember high school bus riding and as we would pass this point, steam would be coming off the water and the sun would be coming up during the winter.  It was the same time period as "Smoke On the Water" and the whole bus would start singing the song.  Ahhhh - youth.

Across the street - 

And a different angle - 

View from the top of the hill in Bigfork

Cherry trees starting to change - 

Isn't this just gorgeous?

Jill and Brock arrive for the evening.  She was bringing Mom her COVID booster and had planned to bring Mister and me our second Shingles shot, but things just didn't work out so I don't have a sore arm.  Yay!!  I'll tackle that when I get back into Dallas.  At any rate, dinner was fun and we ended the meal with some yummy sorbet.

Greyson LOVES Gammy's new zebra pillow that Scarlett gave her the other day.  We just had a wonderful evening together and when it ended, sleep followed shortly as my sweetie has to be at work again tomorrow at 6 a.m.  Early days here in the Mountain Time Zone.  (keep going - post is not over)

2nd - Yesterday was beautiful autumn, right?  Well, during the night winter arrived and with a vengeance.  The snow is wet and HEAVY and hasn't stopped yet.

The poor bushes cannot even begin to hold their branches up.

As crazy as it seems, I have a hair appointment in town (5 mile away for those who may wonder) and I'm definitely going.  I grew up here and know the roads will not have all of this on them as they were still warm yesterday.  Also, I've heard the plows out.  So off I go and when I arrive, I get a before shot of the back.

Then I let her loose.  Cut it off - have fun.

She did.

The back now.  Dang those white hairs that keep showing up.  It's making it look like I have frosted hair.

Back outside and the return trip home.  Just outside the shop, I stop for a quick picture.

The stop from yesterday that I talked about?  Well, here is today's version.

As I get near to Mom's turn (on the right in the pic), I'm glad I don't have to go any further as the snow has really been coming down while I've been gone and there are multiple semis stuck on the hill.  Good luck to all.

Mister is out trying to help the lilac bush survive the weight of the snow.

As evening settles, it just keep coming.

Remember that I said it was "wet and HEAVY".  It's condensing upon itself - we've had about 8 inches so far.

3rd - It's stopped snowing for a bit.

Hey, check out the tree in the back.  On day one, we watched (no pictures) a Pileated Woodpecker systematically rip the bark off of it.  Crazy.

Goodness, these poor bushes.

On the bright side - flowers arrive for Mom from Jen.  They are a bit chilly so will need a day or two, but I'm sure all will perk up nicely.

The sun comes out for a brief moment.  That brings joy to the whole house.

And the work begins.

Branches are starting to drop from the weight.

Meanwhile, I've been sewing Bailey some new coats to help keep him warm and secure.  Two that are red plaid - one with sherpa lining for winter and one self-lined for summer.

Plus a green flannel lined with sherpa, which he already has on.

Well, that's it.  Mostly we are hanging out and chatting and watching the weather.  It's what ya do during the week.  See ya tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Deb, love the hair! The Sherpa coats for Bailey are adorable!
