Friday, November 11, 2022

Cassie's Time - Day 1

 Good Morning Provo, Utah!  It's a crisp, cool beginning with a beautiful backdrop.  We are up early and on our way to Cassie's so that we can catch all the grands before they head off to school.  We lost a full day here with our snowstorm fiasco, so we want to make the most of the time we do have.

Super fun pumpkins greet us as we walk up to the house and that is followed by lots of hugs and happiness from littles.

Play ensues quite rapidly even though a couple are also trying to get ready for school.

Trying to help out - I get a peek at the beds which are covered in quilts and a chance to straighten a few for my daughter.

Too hard to straighten, but it's there.

Mairead takes a minute to play while I'm snapping pictures.

Grandpa soon has everyone paying close attention to a story.

Well, hello there little man.  It's nice to see you again Torsten.

He's on the move.

Grandpa is back from school drop-offs and ready to play some more.

I'm going to try and get a selfie with each one throughout the next couple of days.  Number 1 done - Thank you J.P.

Well, that's a look, for sure.

Some game time with the littles.

That's how the day goes.  Playing, playing, and more playing.  I'm loving it all.  Grandpa and I go to drop J.P. off at pre-school and do the after school pick-ups since the girls have early out today.

Now for some time with O and A as the other two are napping.  What shall we do?  I think we've settled on a puzzle.

Working together has us making great progress.

And it's TA-DONE!

As I walk back into the room, Cassie is playing with Torsten in the cutest way.

Mairead wakes and it's puzzle time for her too.  Grandpa has taken the girls over to the church for a practice and so some one on one time ensues.

She is willing to sit for 2 hours working one puzzle after another.  It's pretty impressive.

Grandpa goes and picks up J.P. and delivers him to the church as well, allowing a quick pic of the practice.

Once all are home again, evening fun starts happening.

Selfie number two --- fun with Mairead.

O is practicing her part in the program on Sunday.

Pizza and movies for Friday night - perfect.  UP is the choice as Grandpa likes it.

It's been a great day and we've loved every minute, but the time has come to retire to our own little abode and get some rest so we can play hard again tomorrow.  See you then.

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