Saturday, November 12, 2022

Cassie's Time - Day 2

 Well, we're rested and heading for coffee and some food to get this day off on a great start.  Mister has found Waffle Love - and we're here to check it out.

Oh, yum!

Now, off to the grands for another day of fun and play.  It doesn't take too long for our arms to be filled and ready to help.

Selfie number 3 - Miss Ava

Where is another one?  Ahhh --- 

Let's give this a try.  That's four down.

Miss Ophelia is next.  Such a GREAT smile and I can't believe she's eight already.

How about some blocks?  They work really well for the girls, but . . . one little boy would rather explore and . . .

the other is keeping Grandpa fit.

There's a bit of restlessness going on so Cassie deems a walk will help.  Off we go.  (I'm in the rear with the stroller and Torsten.)

The view from the school parking lot is simply wonderful.

Grandpa has a plan.

There now, the view is even better.

Sisters, sisters, so much fun to see them like this.

Now, for some lava games on the equipment.  I TRY and grab a few pics along the way as I'm walking around the playground with Torsten.

Time to go - it's almost lunch time, but I've spotted this tree.

Hmmmn - 

On the count of three, throw the leaves in the air.  They do as their told, but my finger just doesn't click fast enough on the camera.

Still cute, though.

And they're off.  Grandpa is actually running with them.  Goodness.

That's the tip of the stroller at the bottom of this pic.  I'm behind it, completely bringing up the rear.

Mom is making lunch so we're doing the amusement thing.  

It starts changing direction though.

Everyone wants in a bit.

Meanwhile, I'll just sit over here and stack buckets.

The littles are now down for naps and some games happen.  First is Operation.

Followed by Hisss.

And, finally, Play-Doh, where I get creative for a brief period of time.

So much fun and it continues even after the smaller humans wake up again.

Grandpa is treating to dinner and it's Ramen from a nearby restaurant.  Chopstick fun.  They have some soup and then their food that is more "usual" to their tastes.

Evening fun has some Charades happening, where I actually catch Grandpa in the act.

And, all too soon, our time here comes to an end.  It's bedtime for some and that means pics in their new jammies.  What a great time the past couple of days have been.  Cassie helps us take a group shot, and then . . 

laughter and silliness erupt.

Grandpa even gets T into the shot.

Hugs all around and it's time for us to depart.  We have an early departure and a very long day tomorrow.  Thank you, Cassie, for letting us share love and laughter and make some memories we will hold dear for quite a long time.

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