Monday, November 14, 2022

Homeward Bound - 2 Days

 The calendar is telling us that we really need to start the trip home.  It's bright and early in Provo and after getting gas and finding the "Best Apple Fritter EVER" at a local service station, we are on our way.  It looks to be a pretty day - at least the morning part.  Enjoy the scenery with us.

As we enter the canyon, windmills are taking advantage of the continuous gusts that come through here.

The morning light is helping with nature's awesome beauty.  The dreaded power lines are unrelenting, but it is what it is.

I think there is a simple beauty to this.  It's not crazy high, forested mountains or flat, grassy plains which have beauties of their own, but this is unique and warms my heart.

The landscape changes on the left - 

And the sign on the right lets us know we're making progress.

Midday brings a need for food and a chance to stretch our legs a bit.  Main Street Brewery and Restaurant in Cortez, CO is a perfect fit - except their heat is out and I'm off to the car to get a jacket.  Meanwhile, Mister orders and starts taking pictures for me.

We share a burger, a really good burger, and are soon on our way again.

Within 20 minutes, we have hit the never-ending road.  OMG.

An hour later, still the never ending road, but the sky has changed and we are under the biggest cloud ever.  It stays over us for 2 solid hours.  What is hidden within it?

The sunset does not disappoint.  The hard part is accepting that it is only 5 p.m.  These short days are challenging, for sure.

If you've gotta get gas in this neck of the woods, might as well do it right.  Authentic as can be.  From here (which is Newkirk Service and Gas in Newkirk, NM - yes, we entered another state but the picture was terrible) it's only half an hour to Tucumcari and our stop for the night.  A comfy bed and we are out.

Mister wakes up and looks out the window.  Drat.  THIS is what that cloud was bringing.  A rapid departure happens so that we can attempt to stay a bit ahead of things.  When we were in Montana and driving through the storm, I kept say to Mister, "Just keep going south."  This morning he reminded me that he DID drive south.  He's a little disappointed.

Leaving New Mexico - see, I said we were here.

And entering into Texas.  She doesn't look very happy today and really stays this way until past Amarillo.

It does start to get better and I spot cotton fields along the road.

AND some future quilts all bundled up and ready to go.

By 4:30 we are back home once again and the yard is a crazy mess, but it's been raining so there isn't much we could do today even if we had the energy.  

We're off to pick up the mail and get a few groceries for Mister this weekend as my traveling is not over yet.  See you in the funny pages.

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