Another travel day for us. Today we are crossing the state of Montana and watching the changing views as the terrain goes from farmland/prairie to mountain. Additionally, we go from fall to winter and back again through the journey. Take a peek.
Rows of feeder corn.
Mountains making an appearance
Coming through Bozeman area. They've already had quite a bit of snow and it is melting off.
We've decided to take a more scenic route today as the time difference is minor in the big scheme. That brings us to Helena and the gorgeous cathedral. One of these trips we are going to stay in Helena and explore a bit, but not today.

Lunch happens at Mt. Ascension Brewery. What a fabulous place and one we wish was in Dallas. They have really got their act together. The building has three levels and the brewery uses two of them. On the top level, there is an outdoor deck that overlooks the city. It's pretty chilly today, but I still manage a few pictures.
This one is looking towards Last Chance Gulch - Helena's oldest part of the city.
The upper area - no televisions and great views. We loved it.
Time to get back driving and the pass has some snow, but most is melting in the sunshine.
What a cool sky.
Coming up the Seely/Swan valley is stunning. Truly. The tamarack trees are in full glory and, with the sunshine, the whole area is just glowing.
Mountains on one side of us and lakes on the other. Such a beautiful drive today.
The color changes with each glance.
It was truly a peaceful day of travel and we enjoyed every single breath-taking view. My heart longs for this place right up until the snow appears and I get chilly. What to do - what to do. We arrive at Mom's around 6 and she has yummy soup waiting. Bed will happen early tonight. Whew.

30th - Happy Birthday to my Momma - she's 83 today. Mister is in the kitchen this morning preparing breakfast and we get a kick out of his apron. Smile, you two. The rest of the morning is just spent visiting and enjoying being together again. Around noon, Brock and Jill arrive and Greyson is along for some trick or treating with Gammy. What a cute little fireman.
I am able to give him his new quilt while they are here.
Time with Uncle.
They much more fun ahead of them today and soon take off for more treats. Shortly after, Zach and his family arrive to wish Mom a Happy Birthday.
It's so fun to see my nephew again and, yep, he's a ginger too.
Me and the greats - I wish I had more time with them.
Even the neighbors stop by with a gift. (Unfortunately, my pic with them didn't turn out at all.) It's been a wonderful day for her.
To top of the evening - we are going to dinner at the Sitting Duck. The blue hour is beautiful and I head out to try and take a few pictures. The waves are crashing up on against the docks.
Enjoy a brief glimpse into our world.
While I'm taking pictures, Mister decides to have a very cold seat along the edge of the water. Such a silly man.
I was kind of hoping that he'd get a huge splash, but that would have made the rest of the evening rather unpleasant so it's best it didn't happen.
We have a very nice dinner and a pic after to remember the night.
Then home to a cake - naturally.
Love this pic!!
31st - Happy Halloween!! I'm awake early and cutting some tiny pieces of fabric for a new project that will be such a challenge.
The day is spent doing some laundry from Billings and washing the quilt for the upcoming baby. After several washings, I discover that not all of the lines were cut through ALL layers. Ugh. Back to cutting. I'll let Jill wash it the next time - this is now hers.
Mom and I went to Costco and I'm ready for Halloween. No littles came by though. That means someone will need to eat these --- I'm up for the task - one a day I guess. That's it for the picks today. It was just a great day spending time with Mom. We did a lot of shopping and she tackled most of her Christmas list. That reduces her stress a great deal and makes me happy too.
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