Thursday, February 3, 2022

Winter Day in Dallas

 Soooo - the weather guessers were right.  It's dang cold out and at least we don't have any desire to go out as we are still quarantining with COVID.  We'll just watch through the windows.  It's warmer that way.  This is my morning view.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Until We Meet Again - Dear Paula

 How do you say good-bye to someone you've only known a few years and felt like you've been together your whole life?  It's something I'm doing right now as painful as it may be.

I am an older woman, as she was - there was only a year between us - and when I first attended funerals everyone dressed in black because it was a time of mourning.  However, it is not a time of mourning but, rather, a time of celebrating her life.  I'm going to bring it a bit brighter and happier today, as she would want it. 

Monday, January 17, 2022

A Fun Find at White Rock Lake

 I've really been struggling this month and sitting in a heap.  Mister has decided that some fresh air will help and we are off to the lake to find a smile for a bit.  As we arrive, the lake is oh so busy and the pelicans are out in full force.  Come along and enjoy the moment with us.  I've got a few surprises as well.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Utah and Baby Blessing of Torsten

 Finally!!!  I am making my way to Utah for Torsten's baby blessing.  It's a beautiful day to fly and I'm plugged into a movie --- happily on my way.

This newest grandson makes #18 for me.  Wow --- what a troop I've got.  Each one is such a blessing and I'm eager to put the newest member into my arms AND spend time with his older siblings.  The last time we were together was in June at the family reunion.  Ahhhh, bring it on and let the hugs begin.  I'm ready.

Just look at these beautiful snow-covered mountains.  THIS is another thing I miss looking at.  I am not to the point of missing the cold it brings along.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!!!

 Happy New Year!!!

2022 has arrived and I laid in bed quietly watching the downtown fireworks show coming from Reunon Tower.  I can hear the show, even as far away as I am.  Enjoy the pics.

Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year's Eve - A Dear Friend and Time With My Love

 What had intended to be a quiet day at home turned into a day trip that lasted 10 hours and made many new memories.  Come along and peek in on our day.

We hit the road at around 7 on a foggy morning --- heading south.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas 2021

 Merry Christmas!!!!  From our house to yours --- I hope the day is filled with love and laughter.  Phone calls are my link to family today and I'm so thankful.  Do we stop to think about how our world has changed to make just that one little thing so much better?  I can remember when a "long-distance" call meant we could quickly say hi and give any important information.  That was about it.  Cell phones opened a whole new world here and it's one I'm so thankful for.  Especially on holidays.

My sweet Mister and I only do stockings for each other and they are generally, small and simple gifts.  Sometimes silly, sometimes pretty cool.  It's a way of letting each other know they're important and for just some fun.  At our age, if there is something we want or need, it usually just gets bought.  We don't wait for a holiday and then the "obligation" to purchase something.  I think, for us, it all works.