Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Final Gammy Camp 2019 - Jacob For a Few Days

Well --- where on earth have June and July gone?  I am beginning the last session of Gammy camp for this year.  Crazy sad that Hyrum and Zyra didn't get to come and play again this summer, but so thoroughly enjoyed the 9 I did get so spend time with.  Yes, I know that doesn't add up to 15 but one is off on her own and the youngest 3 have not had a chance to camp with me so far.    At any rate, I have met up with Jen today at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to enjoy the tour and exchange boys.  We don't leave until after 4 and with traffic, well let's just say, it takes awhile to get home.  Leftovers for dinner and a quiet evening.  I am leaving super early in the morning and Grandpa and Jake have the day all to themselves.

26th - The Video Game Museum in Frisco is Jacob's first request and it's perfect for him and Grandpa while I'm on the go.  They finish up with dinner at Jakes - how funny.  In the evening, Mister begins an experiment to create clear ice.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Josh's Stay

A drive to Thurber and back today has netted us another grandson to make memories with this week.  Josh has come to play for a few days but by the time we get home, it's a quick dinner and a game of chess with Grandpa before we are done in.  By the way, Grandpa says Josh is pretty dang good at chess.  If this picture is any indication, he is certainly not stressed abut it at all.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

July Red Hatters

Welcome to JULY!!  We are starting the second half of our year and I can't believe how quickly it is passing by.  When an event takes place once a month, it truly shows how quick the months come and go.  I've been with grands for almost two months solid and ready for some interaction with friends.  It's time.

This week Spring Creek BBQ is the gathering locale and I'm off - leaving Mister alone for a bit.  We have a lot to do today, but this is taking priority for me.  After two years in the chapter, I am starting to feel like one of "them."  All things take time and it's truly worth the wait.  Are we ready to laugh and share for a bit?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Raef, Ryan, Caleb - Day 7 and Good-bye

It's our last day and I'm just so sad.  Seriously.  The last time they came to stay it was for 15 days and we were talking about how we needed more.  At any rate, let's make the most of it we possibly can.  They have asked for the Children's Garden and all requests are being granted this week.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Raef, Ryan, Caleb - Days 5 and 6

Staying home today is the request - with a caveat.  "Can we go to Nickelrama tonight, with Grandpa?"  Yep, we can do that.  So, what to do today?

The first thing they ask is to watch the third movie of Twilight.  Okay -- we need to be out of the office, so , . . . a set up in the dining room works.  It has the added bonus that I can work on a project at the same time.  Win, win.

After the movie --- COOKIES!!  Ryan is my dedicated helper through the whole dough/frosting making process.  I love this one on one time with him.  So, so great.

Since he helped with the whole process, he gets to cut out his cookies first and apparently one must be square.

Raef and Caleb follow up with their batches of dough.

Let the frosting commence.  I didn't get a picture of Caleb frosting because we were working on it together and no free hands.  It is what it is.

Caleb's cookies -- one is a sandwich, apparently.  Yes, I helped a bit.

Ryan's - notice the square - and he did a sandwich too.

Raef's - spelling the name -- great effect.

Once the mess is cleaned up, we are off to Tony's for dinner and then Nickelrama.

Basketball won Raef's affection and I don't think he moved too far after that.

I even managed to win a free game of pinball.  Yep, love that stuff.

16th - I have tickets for Adventure Landing and it's going to be hot, hot, hot today.  We are off to play and then hide in the house for the afternoon.  First up is mini golf.

And a hole in one response caught..  Perfect.  (Psst, he got another one later and I made two as well.  We rock.)

Next is lazer tag.  I tried to get some pictures, but most didn't turn out.  Sorry Ryan.  We had so much fun!!!  I loved it.  Plus it was indoors.

Our last event is go-karts.  I truly can't remember the last time I drove one of these.  Had to be in Rapid City while Matt was playing soccer --- what is that??  25 years ago at least?  Well, here goes nothing.

That's Ryan ahead of us.  Yes, I'm taking pictures and driving all while Caleb is saying -- speed up, he's beating us.

And that's a wrap for Adventure landing.  I am soooo HOT!  We finish out the day with the last two movies in our series while I cut out parts for my project.  Inside.  Where it's cool.  Until tomorrow -- take care.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Raef, Ryan, Caleb - Days 3 and 4

The weekend is here and that means Grandpa can play too.  The zoo has been requested and that means an EARLY morning.  We always want to be there when it first opens as the animals are more active and so are we -- before the heat drains us of energy.  Love this pic.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Raef, Ryan, Caleb - Days 1 and 2 - Cousins

It's just after midnight and we are sitting outside security at the airport waiting for 3 grandsons to walk out.  TSA closed quite awhile ago and we were unable to get passes to go to the gate to meet them.  At least we are at Love Field and there is only one way out.  They gotta walk past us.  Flight delays are making this one very late night or super early morning.  For blog purposes -- we are going with morning.  Ahhhh, here they come, finally.  It's so good to hug and squeeze and see them after almost a year and a half.  Straight into the house and off to bed.  Two a.m. has arrived and everyone is beat.

It's sooooo quiet until around 10.  Honest!!  My sweet hubby had to get up and work, but the rest of us slept.  Jen is coming into town today with the cousins and we are just playing with Legos until then.  Easy peasy right?  It's fun to just sit and chat and get reconnected while they play.