Friday, July 12, 2019

Raef, Ryan, Caleb - Days 1 and 2 - Cousins

It's just after midnight and we are sitting outside security at the airport waiting for 3 grandsons to walk out.  TSA closed quite awhile ago and we were unable to get passes to go to the gate to meet them.  At least we are at Love Field and there is only one way out.  They gotta walk past us.  Flight delays are making this one very late night or super early morning.  For blog purposes -- we are going with morning.  Ahhhh, here they come, finally.  It's so good to hug and squeeze and see them after almost a year and a half.  Straight into the house and off to bed.  Two a.m. has arrived and everyone is beat.

It's sooooo quiet until around 10.  Honest!!  My sweet hubby had to get up and work, but the rest of us slept.  Jen is coming into town today with the cousins and we are just playing with Legos until then.  Easy peasy right?  It's fun to just sit and chat and get reconnected while they play.

The cousins have arrived and we are out of the house so that Grandpa can work.  The boys and I waited to have lunch with them, but somehow our communication got messed up and they'd already tackled that.  Well, ya get to sit and visit with us while we imbibe at In N Out.

And now -- the main event -- we are at Obstacle Warriors in Dallas.  Time to let out some of that energy and just run and play and climb for a bit.  There are just a ton of pictures ---- not commenting unless explanation is necessary.

Caleb was running the course with me using a timer.  Trying over and over to beat his time.  These were his best two.

Break time - we're only about 15 minutes in.

Dodgeball time -

Lessons on the more advanced area.  This led to some injury time, for sure.

Wall play.

Dedgeball becomes soccer when it's only us on the court

Well, perhaps we wore them out a bit.  Home for dinner.

Some days ya just gotta love Facebook.  While scrolling through the events tab the other day, I spotted an activity at the Dallas Arboretum for tonight.  The new Wizards Unite game is out and it appears almost everyone has a phone.  We are going to go and try to play for a bit while walking and enjoying the gardens in a light we don't often get to share.

Of course, there is always a chance one will run into a famous person.

Oh the light in the garden is yummy right now.

What do you suppose they are all looking at?

Oh ---

Sunset over White Rock Lake viewed from the garden.  So, so lovely.

The last of the sunlight on the crepe myrtles.  Makes it look artificial, but all natural.  It's time to go, but I have loved being here in the garden.  The game???  Well, let's just say, it needs work.  Or understanding on our parts.  One of the two.

Ending the night with some cards.  This ONE game of UNO lasted for over an hour and the kids were begging to go to bed by the time the last card was played.  Seven grandsons, ages 8-18, in the room at once.  My heart is super happy.

And with that --- it's time to sleep.  I'm so ready.

12th - Good morning.  I'm creeping around the house for a bit taking pictures.  There are bodies EVERYWHERE!

One on each sofa even though it's hard to tell.

After breakfast for the gang, Jen is off to have some fun with her kids for the day.  They only  have one day to play and are making the most of it.  It's been fun having her and the cousin time is so fun to watch.

We are off to the mall.  Shopping has been requested.  The LEGO store is always a great beginner and Caleb has $20 he is desiring to spend.

A stop at the figure bin and I have created mini me.

The boys set to work to make themselves.

And soon we have a complete family.  I have perma grin and this was super fun.

Lunch at Chick Fil A - Food Court style. (I should learn to ALWAYS take two pictures.)

Wandering the mall --- a meetup with a dancing robot at the Microsoft store and the mirrored water tanks bring smiles all around.

Smiles for me too --- Turtles!!

There is also a playhouse exhibition all throughout the building.  The boys check each one out meticulously and decide if they are worthy.

Give Ryan even a second and out comes the skateboard to play.  Yes, it's a mini that he uses his fingers to operate.

The best playhouse, unanimously, is the Lemonade stand.  Caleb having a chat with a mannequin.  Super cute.

This day is  done.  A stop at Central Market (which they all love) and back to the house to play quietly while dinner is prepared.  Ryan has the airplane all back together again.

Cheers!!!  Hope your day was as fun as ours.  See ya tomorrow with a new post.

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