Thursday, July 25, 2019

Josh's Stay

A drive to Thurber and back today has netted us another grandson to make memories with this week.  Josh has come to play for a few days but by the time we get home, it's a quick dinner and a game of chess with Grandpa before we are done in.  By the way, Grandpa says Josh is pretty dang good at chess.  If this picture is any indication, he is certainly not stressed abut it at all.

22nd - With a wonderful sleep in and breakfast in our bellies, we are off to the Children's Aquarium.  Yes, each child has similar requests, but there is a reason for them.  This place is just fun.  Period.

Starfish!!  How very cool.

Josh's friend came by to say hello.  I mean that.  Each time he visits, the grouper comes up to him and reacquaints.  It's not a joke and it doesn't happen with the other grands.  Fun fact - these fish can grow up to 880 pounds.  This one is a lot bigger than he seems in this tank and we have watched him grow for many years now.

Rare lobster footage.  Hahahaha

The main event is always the stingrays!  If truth be told, I could come down here just to do this all by myself.  I love it that much.

There's a new baby in the village.

Ahhhh, best picture of the day.  Josh feeding.

Out to the lagoon to run and get the wiggles out a bit.

A little surprise --- his first time at Studio Movie Grill.  Lunch and The Lion King.

A stop at Central Market for groceries to make dinner.  Catfish is the order and although I've never fried catfish, I am willing to give it a go.  I have to admit --- it was REALLY good.  And another match to end the day.

23rd - The coffee shop has been requested and even though this is usually a Grandpa adventure, Josh allows me to do the honors today since my sweetie must work.  The only time Mister and I ever sit upstairs is when grands are along.  I find it humorous that they like it up here.

We did not walk down today as we are heading downtown for a little walking adventure.  Josh mentioned wanting to go to Dealey Plaza and the latent teacher in me willingly complies.  It looks like the Old Red Museum (chock full of Dallas history) is getting a facelift.

Once a parking space has been located (no easy feat, mind you), we are off on foot.

It's sad that Dallas has to be remembered this way, but another opportunity to teach does surface as a result.  Teaching the importance of respecting the office of the President, no matter how you feel about the person occupying it.  Hate has no place in all of this -- or results like this take shape.  We get a great chance to talk about things like that --- not details of the assassination.

Can you read this?  It says, "On November 22, 1962, John Fitzgerals Kennedy, thirty-fifth President of the United States, visited Dallas.  A presidential parade traveled  north on Houston Street to Elm Street and west on Elm Street.  As the parade continued on Elm Street, at 12:30 p.m., rifle shots wounded the President and Texas Governor John Connally.  Findings of the Warren Commission indicated that the rifle shots were fired from a sixth floor window near the southeast corner of the Texas School Book Depository building, Elm and Houston, a block north of this marker.  President Kennedy expired at Parkland Memorial Hospital at 1:00 p.m.  The John Fitzgerald Memorial Plaza is nearby, bounded by Main, Record, Market, and Commerce Streets.

The city is beautiful today and also cool --- which helps on our walk -- we are not too beat up by the heat to take our time and learn.

The "X" in the spot marks the place where our President was attacked.  I feel a sense of reverence when visiting here, although others do not seem to share it.  Many run out into traffic to take selfies right on the spot.  What??

Also down here is the Dallas County Sheriff Honor Guard Memorial.  "This memorial stands to honor and remember the brave Deputy Sheriffs who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in the protection of the citizens of Dallas County.  Each of these men and women exhibited the highest levels of courage, commitment, and dedication while performing the duties of Deputy Sheriff.  They laid down their lives so that their fellow citizens could live safely and without fear.  Let us never forget their names."

The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial

"The joy and excitement of John Fitzgerald Kennedy's life belonged to all men.  So did the pain and sorrow of his death.  When he died on November 22, 1963, shock and agony touched human conscience throughout the world.  In Dallas, Texas, there was a special sorrow.  The young President died in Dallas.  The death bullets were fired 200 yards west of this site.  This memorial, designed by Philip Johnson, was erected by the people of Dallas.  Thousands of citizens contributed support, money and effort.  It is not a memorial to the pain and sorrow of death, but stands as a permanent tribute to the joy and excitement of one mans' life.  John Fitzgerald Kennedy's life."

Union Station and Reunion Tower

Next stop is Ferris Plaza.  I've never been here and it looks like a great place to sit in the shade for a little while.  A quick Google search and WOW, this place has history.  With the Union Station in front of it, an entirely different building used to stand behind it.  This was the Dallas Information Bureau and officially "The Ferris Plaza Waiting Station" from 1925 to 1950. 

I've shown you the Union Station -- here is what the building USED to look like:

For a cool article and loads of information, give this LINK a click.  Today, however, there are few people "waiting" around BUT a load of birds.

Time to just enjoy for a few minutes --- and, no, it wasn't my idea.  Josh wanted to "feel" the city.  Hanging out by fountains is always a hit with me, so happy to oblige.

It is finally warming up, so back to the house and an indoor activity.  Chocolate chip cookies.

I am merely supervising.  He has this under control - for the most part.

From start to finish --- he stays on task.  I forget to get a picture after -- but they are dang good, believe me.

With Nickelrama on the agenda for this evening and Gammy tired of the kitchen, it's off to Pho for dinner.  We try a new to us restaurant that is super authentic and very yummy.  Prior to food, chop stick lessons.

Ooooh, yes.  So good.  Josh is happy, we are happy, it's a win win.  Along with the food, we have the chance to talk about a comment he makes as to the ethnicity of the restaurant.  For him, it is odd to be the only non-Asian in the place.  We talk about how that is good -- how it helps all of us to notice that feeling and recognize that others have it too.  How, it's amazing to share someone else's culture and enjoy. 

Onto fun and games.

Grandpa is amazing.  He stays with Josh and plays the entire time.  Kudos to my sweetie.

24th - Zoo time.  We are up early and almost make opening, but get caught in some traffic.  Drat.  At any rate --- it's a beautiful day and even the lemurs are sunning themselves.

Good morning Adanna --- she is coming to the glass just to say howdy once again.  Lucky Josh!!!

She's playful today.  Such fun to watch.

I LOVE how he is willing to just stay here and watch.  Honest.  We probably spend 30-45 minutes with the hippos and enjoy each one of them.

The sun is popular this morning.  Meercat guard -

Rear guard

Aviary time -

And onto the Savanna.  Another long stop for us.  The elephants are out and about and there is just so much to see.  Zoom to another 30 minutes in one spot.

Hello Bahati!

Slow down Josh.  All of my grandsons are getting so big.  I don't want these days to go away.

On the way to Zoo North, another stop by the lemurs and I spot a collared one near the ground.  I've never seen that before and I cannot locate the mate.  Hmmmm.

Another first for me.  The otters are right up near the fence.  Oh my.  They are usually closer to the water --- or sleeping.

Goodness -- up close animals is the thing for today.  This pole is in need of some paint, right?

From a distance I am laughing as the Harpy Owl appears to be wearing overalls.  I can't stop giggling.

A snapping turtle in the wild --- the creek we cross over to get back to the exit.  Our morning is finished and we are on the hunt for lunch.

Subway it is.  I haven't been here in ages --- this one, never, and it's right by my house.  I have to admit that it tastes decent still.

We made spaghetti for dinner and played some games.  Grandpa and Josh went to Half Price Books for a bit and returned home with Frankenstein, Password and an old movie.  Enjoy, boys.  Me?  Sure, I'll play Password for awhile.

25th -  French toast for breakfast, then laundry, packing, and lunch.  Grandpa and Josh are intently searching out one of the birds in the backyard and it turns out to be a Red Bellied Woodpecker.

It's time to say good-bye to Gramps and we are off to Fort Worth to meet Jen and Jacob at the Bureau of Engraving a Printing.  It's where they print the money and if you haven't visited, you should.  It's free and a great tour.  We hit on a good day and there are booths all over with hands on activities.  Josh is able to make his own money.  No phones or cameras allowed inside so no pics -- just know we had a good time and even though it is my third or fourth trip here, I learned so much once again.

I have to say good-bye to Josh and want him to know that I've had a lot of fun this week.  Thank you for coming to stay with Grandpa and I.  Anytime you wish to play, come on over.  Love ya tons.

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