Tuesday, January 12, 2016

On the Way Home --- Inspiration Strikes -- Sunrise Magic

Good-bye Billings.  It's time for my flight and the sun is just barely peeking out on the horizon.  I'm ready to head home.  I've missed my sweet Mister and only have a few days home with him before going to Colorado.  Time for some "Just Us Two" moments.

As we make our ascent into the sky, the lights from the city below are shining and sparkling from the snow surrounding them.  It really is quite lovely.

Ooooh, here comes the sun.  I am mesmerized as it shows it's absolute divine beauty.  It seems as though I have been following sunrises or sunsets for awhile now.  I have the idea in place for this year's mystery and as I fly it is solidified.  Oh the fun I will have with these colors.  Enjoy the eye candy as much as I did and remember that these are through a plane window -- not the cleanest one either.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Back to Montana - Matt's Family - Day 3

It's another chilly day in the neighborhood and my super fun grands are getting ready for school.  Bundle up, my precious ones, as it is definitely chilly out there.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Back to Montana - Matt's's Family - Days 1 & 2

Day 5 dawns and I'm now out in Lockwood at my son's house.  THIS is an early rise house so if you want in on the action, ya gotta get out of bed.  While the kids are waiting for breakfast, I brought some small puzzles that they can work on.  Zyra jumps right into working on hers, but you can see Hyrum in the background and he REALLY doesn't want to do this.  His father is a bit persuasive and soon he is working on his as well.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Back to Montana - Switchover Day 4

It's Day 4 in Billings and today I have so much planned that it deserves an entry all of it's own.  Let's get it started.  June Bug is everywhere this morning and I'm falling for this sweet gal.  Run Deb, run fast.

We are all hustle and bustle this morning trying to get out the door.  Malea is being non-cooperative and feels as though she is ready to go.  Mom and Kasey have both battled with her to get snow pants and boots on, without success.  I ask if they want me to  try and they throw up their hands and agree.  One harsh sentence from Gammy and we are soon getting ready to leave.  Yep, I'm just that dang scary when the deep, no nonsense voice comes out.  They are just not around me enough to know what they can get away with.  It's a nice tool to use occasionally.  I don't want to be the mean one all the time, but dang it -- we need to go.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Back to Montana - Rhiana's Family - Days 1-3

It's time to get this new travel year started!  I'm on an early morning flight to Montana for a week with Matt and Rhiana's families.   I haven't had a winter visit up there in a long time.  I'm packed, a the airport and waiting -- let's fly.

Upon my arrival, I exit the building and discover that no one is here to pick me up.  Well this is an auspicious beginning.  I get a cab and instruct the driver to take me to the school where Rhiana teaches.  After a quick hello to my daughter and her classroom, Kasey picks me up and we are soon on our way to get Malea so that I can have some one on one time with her while everyone else works.  There is a sweet little puppy in the truck as well and although I'm not a dog person, I could do this one.  She is just so tiny.  Say hello to June Bug.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 - Year in Review

Wow -- another year has come and gone.  It truly seems that the older one gets, the quicker the years fly by.  I have absolutely no idea where it went.  Shall we take a look back and see?

January started out with Elena and Malea here for 2 weeks.  What a super special treat for us.  From there we went right into watching the Ohio State Marching Band - which I have admired for YEARS -- and then off to Boston I went with my nephew, Bob.  That was such a fun time and so great for both of us.  With such a great start to the new year, this month ended on a really tough note.  A dear friend lost his battle with cancer and I lost a true soul mate.  I don't think I've known sadness this deep before.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Christmas TRAIN!! for Mister

We were out estate sale shopping and came across this lovely Christmas train for a decent price.  Sometimes the kid in us all just has to come out.  It's now under our tree.