Friday, December 4, 2015

Postmodern Jukebox Concert

Thanks to a wonderful gift from Mister's brother, we are off to a Postmodern Jukebox concert tonight down in Deep Ellum.  I am so excited and I don't even know what it is all about.

We have pretty good seats if people actually sit at this concert.  If not, well I won't see much.

The Splendor of Fall in Texas in December

It seems as though fall all over the country has been in force for months, but here in Texas it is just arriving.  My oak tree out back is absolutely beautiful right now.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

White Rock Dam -- Roaring

Rain, rain go away -- Doug and Debi want to play.  Oh, what the heck.  Let's go play anyway.  We are pretty sure that the water must really be flowing over the dam, so we take a little drive to check it out.  Enjoy what we see --- fall colors and lots of water.  Isn't this lovely?  Even with the rain.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Black Friday Done Right

Today is Black Friday and while the rest of the world is out standing in lines to spend money on sale items, Mister and I have opted for a different route.  We are meeting up with friends to enjoy some truly wonderful "black" beers.  Today black ales, black IPA's, brown ales, stouts, and porters are center stage for us.  The Lakewood Growler is our favorite hangout and even though we get there mere minutes after they open, we snag the last table.  A couple of acquaintances arrive and ask if they can share the table and we absolutely nod yes.  Our friends are due for awhile so why have those spots go to waste?  When they finish with their drinks, the minute the spots are vacated another two people ask to step in.  We are still waiting for Catherine and Jeff so say sure again.  Jen and (oh help me here -- for I cannot remember his name) ? definitely help keep the table lively and the time just keeps ticking by.

And The Rain Keeps a Coming On Down

It has been raining for DAYS and today is the first day out of the house in awhile.  The trees are just starting to turn and this is the view out of my back door today.  I can't wait for the sun to come and let me see the vibrancy of the colors.

As we are off to a Black Friday event, several roads are closed due to high water.  I try and grab a few pics while we drive.  Water, water, everywhere.  It's not as bad as last spring, but working on it for sure.

The road down to the lake is entirely under water which means the lake is probably beyond it's banks now.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving At Home

I do so love Thanksgiving.  It is by far the holiday that is the least stressful for me and allows for conversation and memory  making to take place.  This year it's a bit quiet as people's schedules are just too busy to be traveling.  Well, let's see then.  Who can we invite at the last minute that won't likely have big family plans?  Mom H. is on board for sure and so Mister and I ask Tina, Sabrina, and Cecilia over.  Yay -- my table is full and I'm happy.

We have a great time and Mister's turkey turns out scrumptious.  My favorite moment of the day?  Cecilia waiting for dinner and continuously saying, "I'm so excited to eat."  Ah, makes my heart feel good.  Hope your day was filled with love and laughter as well.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Day in the Kitchen

I have decided that today is a kitchen day.  I've also decided that I need more of these.  I LOVE to cook and have not done it near enough lately.  I think there is a New Year's resolution in the works here.  Perhaps with an early start even.

Prepping for Thanksgiving is always enjoyable to me and today I have a visitor outside my window who is keeping it extra fun.  He keeps flying at the window as if he wants in and raises up the feathers on the back of his head to me.  Am I that cute?

I even tried opening the door and talking to him, but he doesn't leave.  I wonder what would happen if I opened the door and left it that way.  Would he come right in?