Friday, July 10, 2015

Jon's Time -- Session 3 of Summer Camp Begins - Days 3 & 4

After another sleepy morning, we are off to the skating rink just after lunch.  He can skate like crazy for 3 hours, when they close for the afternoon session.  It's only a few blocks from the house, so we just walk down.  I LOVE that he LOVES to skate.  When I sit and watch him, I am amazed at how smooth he is.  What a natural at this.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Jon's Time -- Session 3 of Summer Camp Begins - Days 1 & 2

After a summer camp break over Independence Day, we are starting up again.  It's a halfway meeting point today and since Mister is working from home, I have a car.  How fortunate that is.  Since it's an afternoon pickup, by the time I get back into Dallas with Jon, it is time for dinner.  We ask if he likes Thai and he really doesn't know.  Well now is as good a time to find out as any.  Our favorite spot is Thai Opal and as we settle in, my mouth is already looking forward to the wonderful flavors we are about to be treated to.  Jon orders an orange chicken and declares it "fantastic."  I think the next comment is, "Can we come again?"  That's about it for day one -- back to the house and just some relaxin'.  I'm tired from just driving.  How sad is that?

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hyrum and Zyra Summer Camp - Days 4 & 5 & Travel Home

It's day 4 and I've likely said it already but dang, time is flying with these two treasures.  We have another absolutely gorgeous day -- best thing about June - and since it's Friday, I have the car to get us downtown.  Hello Klyde Warren Park.  Let's be friends today.

Cass and Scott Come to Visit

Cassie and Scott are in Dallas for a friend's baby shower and I couldn't be happier.  I have Hyrum and Zyra staying with me so they have opted for a hotel downtown.  Even though we just saw each other in Billings for Rhiana's wedding, it's fun to have some one on one time together as well.  The wedding was just crazyville.

Tonight we are meeting up at Cane Rosso for dinner and we have the added bonus of Miss Ophelia.  This time she isn't quite as afraid of leaving mommy's arms, but it only lasts for about 30 seconds.  Someday -- I'll be patient and she'll want to climb into my arms too.  After dinner, we are homeward bound to put our two charges to bed and we'll see Scott and Cass again tomorrow night.  They are busy throughout the day with friends and we get the nights.  Works.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Hyrum and Zyra Summer Camp - Days 2 & 3

When morning dawns, the kids want a little time to just play.  I can't say as I blame them even one little bit and the toy closet is quickly raided.  Well -- that's what it is for.  We are opting for a "stay home and chill" day and the next request is for a movie.  I can handle that and so turn Hyrum's bed into a comfy place for two and let the fun begin.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hyrum and Zyra Summer Camp - Session 2 Begins - Travel and Day 1

The wedding is behind us and it is time to return to Texas.  However ---- we have the bonus prize.  We are taking two grands home with us for while.  Woot Woot.  With an early morning start, we have the rental car loaded and are soon on our way to Denver.  Yes, one granddaughter flew up with us and two grands are going back.  Such fun times.  I cannot explain how much I love these times.

Psst, I think we woke Zyra up a wee bit early as she is back out in no time.  Hyrum, meanwhile, takes up reading the comics in the newspaper.  Gotta love everything about this picture.  Right down to his legs.