Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hyrum and Zyra Summer Camp - Session 2 Begins - Travel and Day 1

The wedding is behind us and it is time to return to Texas.  However ---- we have the bonus prize.  We are taking two grands home with us for while.  Woot Woot.  With an early morning start, we have the rental car loaded and are soon on our way to Denver.  Yes, one granddaughter flew up with us and two grands are going back.  Such fun times.  I cannot explain how much I love these times.

Psst, I think we woke Zyra up a wee bit early as she is back out in no time.  Hyrum, meanwhile, takes up reading the comics in the newspaper.  Gotta love everything about this picture.  Right down to his legs.

It's a long drive to Denver, thus stops must be made along the way.  Casper is about halfway so we locate a park for some much needed "get the wiggles out" time.  Everyone out of the car and move around a bit.  I LOVE parks and playgrounds as they provide the best backdrops for fun pictures.  This pink sequence of Zyra really turns out nice.

We let them play for about 1/2 an hour before determining that we need some lunch and then to get back on the road.  We DO have a flight to catch today.

Across the street from the playground is this cool old church.  I would dearly love to go and check it out but it is not open and there is construction going on all around it.

Now, back on the road to Denver please.  We arrive near the airport with enough time to eat.  Yes!  Since we came this way often while visiting Wyoming, Grandpa remembers a little family owned mexican restaurant and we are off to satisfy out tummies.  It's delicious and Zyra is determined to have a burrito so I offer to share with her as it is HUGE.

She and Grandpa have such a good time trying all the sauces that came with the chips.  What a brave one she is.  I won't even do that.

We realize that we have to put an end to this and get to the airport.  It's time to check-in and fly.  After dropping the car at the rental agency, bussing to the airport, and checking in for the flight , we are now on the train to our terminal.

And, OF COURSE, our flight is delayed.  We have a bit of time to wait so find the upper level to hang out for awhile.  Ugh.  Grandpa keeps the kids busy while I take a little break.

And then it is my turn while he does the same.

We wander around for a bit, checking out how things look from our angle.  Watching the trains arrive below us is always a good time.  I even get a kick out of that part.  The people just look so small and we are not even up that high.  After a bit of that, we are still on delay so what is the next creative thing I can come up with?

Not much.  A cartoon it is.  Sometimes phones can really come in handy.

Yay!  Our gate is right below us and finally we hear that it is time to board.  Let's get out of here and on our way to Dallas.  Even with traveling all day and hanging out here, they are being champs.  The flight goes slick and we are soon back at home sweet home.  We're beat and it's off to bed for everyone.

It's our first day in Dallas and we are gonna make it a good one!  We are off to the train station bright and early as we have a long day planned.  The bus picks us up at home and everyone is excited.  Let's get this day started.

Upon delivery to the train station, we have mere minutes before we spot out train coming down the tracks towards us.

We have a switch to make at Mockingbird station and I have to laugh as Hyrum finds a unique spot to sit.  Kids.  Zyra is finally old enough to stand for our trip through the tunnel and she is pretty hyped to do so.

It's funny to me but standing on the train is super fun, however standing to wait for a train is nearly impossible.

We arrive down at Fair Park and have a bit of a walk to get to the aquarium.  The lagoon is along our way so making stops to check it out helps out.  Within seconds, they have located a turtle which requires further inspection.  We all know I'm game for that.

As I stand here watching the kids play, I look up and realize that there is a very nice view right in front of me.  While taking it all in, the thought occurs that I COULD take a picture.  Duh.

 How lovely is this?  Okay, let's go see some fish.

Upon our entry into the aquarium, there is a new-to-them shark display.  (Can you tell it is hot outside?  The sheen on the faces certainly gives it away.)  Hyrum is not at all sure about this though.

Next up is the touch tank.  Now, whoever came up with this concept is a genius for sure.  The one here is highly monitored so that the creatures are well cared for.  That's so nice to see.  Right now, Zyra is trying to get far enough out to have an anemone a little feel.  They are cool -- kinda sticky.

Okay, okay -- we will go straight to the stingrays.  Why cool off now?  Absolutely not a second is wasted before hands/arms are washed and into the tank.  This year --- no fear at all.

It's even fun to just watch the stingrays.

Luckily, we are here in time for feeding.  Hyrum grabs his tiny fish and down goes hand until until he becomes VERY popular.

I have to stand back and giggle because Zyra really gets into this.  She puts her WHOLE body into what she is doing.

A quick last pet at the far end of the tank (they still think he has fish) and we move towards the shark tank where we are instantly greeted by the resident loggerhead turtle.  Ahh, my heart.

 Should we go check out the tanks now?  Each time I visit here, I see something new and so do they.  It may be the same creatures, but they are always on the move.  Today we have spiny lobsters putting on a show for us.

On our way out the door, one of the staff has a baby alligator that the kids are able to check out and touch the tail.  I love these impromptu experiences that pop up as it helps them to understand the animal kingdom even more.

We have cooled off a bit so I guess it's time to to reheat.  We cross the walkway to the nearby Discovery Gardens and Butterfly House.  It's so beautiful inside but oh so hot too.  Let's go see what we can find.  This purple plants NEEDS to be in my yard.  I think it also NEEDS to be a quilt.  Hmmm.

Zyra believes with all her heart that if she just stands still, a butterfly will land on her and for a five year old --- she can stand remarkably still for a very long time.  Alas, no landing BUT one of the staff spots her and helps out.

All is right in her world now.

It's time to get serious --- Charts in hand -- let's go see what we can find.

As we round one of the corners, they discover the cocoon station and are able to watch all the different stages of this amazing process.  Oh, watching children learn just makes my heart so happy.

Peek-a-boo Gammy.

Just a wee bit of eye candy for ya'll.

Believe it or not, we are going to go out to the gardens to cool off a bit.  It's about 100 degrees outside BUT there is at least a slight breeze.  Inside the butterfly house, none.

Just a few pictures as we wander around:

Oh yeah --- our memory maker.  I love it.

Okay, we've got a train to catch and so the long walk back begins.  As soon as they spot the station, they take off in a full sprint --- SHADE!

Perhaps you think our day is over but NO.  I am in the business of making memories.  We are off to the mall for some lunch and a movie.  At least it will be cool there.

It's time for Inside Out.  I'm pretty excited myself as I have really wanted to see this movie.  I just love the concept behind it -- the way our emotions control us.  Accurate.

Love, love, love the movie and guess who is here to greet us when we get out?  Yep, Grandpa is off work and meets with us for a treat.

Paciugo!  Of course.  NOW it is time to go home and relax a bit.

 Our evening is spent doing just that -- jammies on, relaxing and playing with Legos.  Perfect day.

 I want to write more here but seriously, I am beat and calling it good.  We have had such a fun day.  Take care ya'll and see ya in the next post for two more days of fun.

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