Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Jared - Summer Camp 2015 Session 1 -- Days 1, 2, & 3

School is out and camp sessions are starting!  My first victim is Jared and after a drive to West, TX, meeting Jen halfway, he is soon in my control and we are on our way back to Dallas.  Jared is 10 and the fourth child out of five.  He has learned much from his older brothers and is soon sound asleep in the car.  Yep, driving in silence back to Dallas.  Once we arrive, he promptly takes his blanket and pillow and builds himself a "man-cave" under my quilt frame in the den.  He then climbs under there and disappears for several hours.  Knowing that time alone in a big family can be hard to come by, I let him be and play his games.  Towards evening, I make him venture out and play a game with me.  Yep, this has certainly been an active day.  We play Sequence and he is definitely some tough competition which is good for me and makes this old brain kick into high gear.  The fact that I am naturally competitive has no impact at all.  It's been a relaxing first day for Jared, I hope he has enjoyed it.

Good morning -- it's day two and I wander into his room around 10 a.m. to see if he plans on functioning today.  He basically tells me that he is very content and doesn't really want to go anywhere but asks if we can make some cookies.  Yep, we sure can but it will require getting out of bed to do so.

It takes awhile longer, but he is up and ready to function.  First things first -- if we want to see birds out the kitchen window while we are working, we must feed them.

Now -- everyone to the kitchen pronto.  Let's gather ingredients and start the mixing.  Last summer he made chocolate, chocolate chip cookies and loved them.  I am a good Gammy and locate the same recipe for him.  Yes, saving all those pieces of paper pays off every now and then.  (Oh the hair -- the hair.  Old people like me just want to grab some scissors.)  Even at 10 -- licking the beater is fun.  Heck at 57 it is still fun.

Success.  These look soooo yummy.

It's now time for a movie.  That requires snuggling under a blanket???  I am so hot that the A/C is on as well as fans.  Is there a hint here.  Am I freezing everyone else out?  It's been another quiet day which allowed me to do a little more work on Ophelia's quiet book.  No complaints.  See ya tomorrow.

Good morning.  We are off to do something fun today.  Mister is working from home today so we are off to the Farmer's Market and Fair Park for visits to the aquarium and lagoon.  I read about the swan paddle boats operating daily and think that sounds fun as well.

Our first stop is down at the Farmer's Market where we discover that it is totally torn down except one shed and that shed is not open on Wednesdays.  Well, dang.  Jared wants to make jam and I was hoping to pick up some berries at a good price.  Not today I guess.  Off we go to Fair Park.

We get to the lagoon and it is absolutely a beautiful day.  The water and area is so serene and peaceful.  Turtles are out and about at every possible spot.

I have to take a few moments to photograph some of this beauty.  I absolutely love it and enjoy looking back on pictures to remember the way I feel right now.  Look at the turtles.  Just look.  They are marching everywhere.  We spot one sitting on an area with all parts inside it's shell.  We approach quietly to see just what is up.

I let Jared touch very gently and we can see the legs moving.  We step back and it extends all limbs quickly and darts into the water.  Dang -- that was fast.  For those who think turtles can't move fast -- you are wrong.  They just usually don't.

Lily pads as far as one can see.

And Cypress knees too.

As we continue our walk around the lagoon, we come to a gentleman who is sitting on some steps with raw hot dogs.  He is breaking off pieces and throwing them towards the water.  Within no time, turtles approach and start feeding.  He can entice them up several steps to reach the treats. We watch for awhile and then it's time to move on.  I want to check on the swan boats on the other side.

While I work my way to the other side, Jared takes a seat on a bench and enjoys the shade.  I wander through the trails and spot a baby turtle right beside the path.  Very cool.  As I near the swan boats, I don't see anyone working and there are several people milling about.  I finally spot a paper sign that says they are not in service.  Really?  I call into the main office and explain what is going on.  They take my number and call me back saying that the owner has decided not to open until the next weekend.  Seriously?  Everyone around me is as disgruntled as I am.  I guess we head to the aquarium now.  Drat.  We are now two for two -- first the Farmer's Market and now the boats.

The aquarium is always a highlight for everyone who goes.  The fact that it is hands on is always exciting and I learn something new every time I go so I know the kids do as well.

After a stop at the touch tank, we are off to spend time with the stingrays.  Yes!  Along the way I spot the loggerhead turtle in isolation and inquire about her.  They are just monitoring her food for awhile -- she is fine.

Stingrays!  Jared wants to feed them and I am here to fulfill his wishes.  These are just the coolest creatures.  I fell in love with them years ago down in the caribbean and that has not changed.

After almost an hour, we move on to other areas of the aquarium.  I find Jared inside the window to the lobster tank.  It actually looks pretty comfy.  Then, onto checking out the other areas of the building and I find Jared having a heart to heart with the albino alligator.  I wonder just what that is all about.

It's time to start back home but I'm starving so we stop at Whataburger on the way home for some food.  Sure hope Mister fed himself while we were gone.  It's yummy and our day has been fun.  Not sure much else will go on today though.  We get home and I tell Mister about the swan boat fiasco.  He contacts the city and by the time the day is over, we have been given a brick that will have the grandkids names on it along with fair passes for everyone this fall.  They were pretty apologetic.  Now if they just change the website so others don't have the same issue.  See ya tomorrow.

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