Friday, June 12, 2015

Bekah is 16 -- No Idea How That Happened - Jon's Camp too

We are on our way to Abilene today but wait -- something else has to be done first.  I am on the DART down to SMU.  Jon is finishing up his Arduino camp and I am lucky enough to get to see his presentation and then take him back home with me.  Mister will be joining us after work for the drive to Abilene.  I've never been to the SMU campus and it is quite lovely.  Since I am early, a wander around is in order leaving me with a chance to watch the hustle and bustle of the camp leaders as they try and prepare for the parents to arrive.

At the appointed time, everyone is brought out to the 100 degree center and the awards presentation begins.  Really?  THIS is where we are doing this?  I try and stay in the shade of a building as much as possible as I can feel my skin frying.  How on earth is Jon standing there with a HAT on?  I am constantly amazed by my grandchildren.  Once the awards are over, we are invited into the classrooms so that they can show us what they have created.

He has built a cool program and shows me how he can manipulate it into doing several things.  It's way over my head, but very cool --- even though he says it isn't working right.  After a bit, we pack everything up and are heading out the door when he is stopped and they take his kit away.  I am in shock and none too happy about it.  I let my feelings be known and we go to gather his luggage and other things before meeting Grandpa.  It's time to hit the road to Abilene.  By the time we arrive there and I tell Jen about having the equipment taken away and she interrupts to tell me that they have already called and informed her that there was a "mistake".  Hmmmm.

Onto other things.  It is Bekah's 16th birthday and I cannot fathom where the years have gone.  I can't possibly have a grandchild that old. Can I?

We are all going to Montana soon for a wedding so while Jen readies the house for the party, I have brought a couple of dresses for Bekah to try on.  One is my senior prom dress and the other is my wedding dress from 35 years ago.  They both fit her perfectly.  She chooses the wedding one and I take the other back home with me.

It's party time.  Dinner is outside in the backyard and everyone laughs and jokes around.  It feels so good to just spend the evening with family.

Fake smile.

Real smile.

After dinner and once everyone is in bed, including Grandpa, three generations get to play around a bit.  I am learning about "selfies" and we take a series of them.  This one is the best.  Yep, imagine what the others looked like.

It's a great chance to just be the three of us and I love these moments more than I could ever express.

What an amazing family I have.

Congratulations Bekah!  Oh -- and slow down with the aging will ya?  I'm feeling mighty old.

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