Friday, June 19, 2015

Montana Bound - Wedding Time - Trip and Rehearsal Dinner

My daughter, Rhiana, is getting married this tomorrow.  That means we need to get our backsides out of Texas and up to Montana pronto.  We picked up Bekah from camp yesterday and are taking her with us as her family has already left and let's face it --- a car ride from Texas to Montana with four brothers or a quick flight to Denver and then a drive with the backseat all to herself and QUIET old people?  Seems like a no-brainer to me.  The flight is early and goes well.  In no time, we have a rental car and are on the road.  This is not a stop-and-play type of trip.  We are on the move to make a dress rehearsal dinner tonight and it's at least 8 hours from Denver to Billings.  Drive Mister, drive.

I am spending the time in the car binding a quilt for Ophelia and it is finished just as we reach the Montana border.  Okay, I want to break the rules for just a moment and get out to take the "outside" picture of this quilt before I give it away.  This seems like the perfect place to do so.

We pull into Billings to discover just a wee bit of chaos going on.  Trent and Kasey are in the backyard (yes, it IS Trent although I didn't see him at first and thus neglected to hug him - causing him to ask what was up with that) unloading tables and chairs under a tent.  Amanda is in the house with all the kids and I have not discovered where the bride is yet.  Mister goes out to help with the backyard while I get Bekah started on table decorations.  OUT OF NOWHERE, we are hit with a dang monsoon.  Kasey and Trent take off to go to the wedding site and rescue the tent out there while Mister tries to keep this one from taking flight as well.  What a crazy storm and Elena stands at the back door screaming that Grandpa is going to die.  Wow -- we've been in town for 1/2 an hour.

The rain stops almost as soon as it started and we are left with about 4" of water in the backyard and 50 people arriving soon.  My poor Mister just finished resecuring the tent and now has the water to deal with.  Just as he comes up and asks me if Rhiana has a pushbroom, she drives up.  No, she doesn't have one but she and Mister go up the street asking several neighbors until she finds one to borrow.  My sweetheart now sets to removing the water from the backyard the best he can while I try and get the tables and chairs dried off and ready to put tablecloths on.

I hit the ground running and haven't really had a chance to even talk with any of my grands.  They are being darling and just playing - in the way as much as possible, of course.  No one needs this hall right?  But those smiles -- they can't be beat.

I asked for some plastic tablecloths and they have now arrived to we do our best to turn the backyard into a lovely garden party.  Mister asks Rhiana if there is anything else she would like and she mentions lights around the tent.  He puts them up and then discovers that there is no place to plug them in.  Does she have an extension cord?  Nope.  Off he goes down the street to see if he can return a broom and get an extension cord.  What a trooper he is.

I notice that the caterer has arrived so we quickly move things around and set up tables for them to deliver the food onto.  Somehow this part was overlooked earlier.  Ugh.

Okay --- the wonders of a group effort have worked and the backyard looks lovely.  We all get changed just in time as the first guests begin to arrive.

It is so good to see my family almost all together again.  Jen is still on the road due to some car issues and won't make it tonight but everyone else is here.

Scott and Cassie have arrived, the quilt has been gifted, and I get to see my sweet granddaughter again.  It's only been a couple of weeks, perhaps she will remember me.  I think she does but wants Mom way more.  She does smile nicely for Grandpa though.

This past year I discovered that I have literally NO pictures of me with my son and I set out to remedy that instantly.  YES!

It's time to get people fed.  Everything is ready to go and kids are really wanting some food.  Let's calm the savage beasts.

The northern grandsons all together.  Perfect.  Thanks, Grandpa, for taking this picture.

I REALLY want Ophelia to come to me.  She's just starting to reach out and walk a bit.


Granddaughters are everywhere as well.  We catch Zyra smelling the flowers.  Never see the boys doing that.

Elena absolutely adores Bekah and I adore this picture.

Mister and Becca.  She felt that he never gets in any of the pictures because he is always taking them.

The weather holds for the entire evening, thankfully, and the dinner goes off well.

Whew.  Now to clean up, check into our hotel, and get some rest for tomorrow is indeed another very busy day.

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