Saturday, June 20, 2015

Rhiana's Wedding

Waking in Billings to an absolutely beautiful day, it's hard to tell that the weather was so crazy yesterday.  Woohoo --- at least the wedding day will go smooth.  Mister and I are off to wander around downtown before meeting my ENTIRE family for a breakfast Mister and I are hosting at McCormick's Cafe.

We find a coffee shop, peek in antique shop windows and work our way down to the restaurant to make sure everything is in order.  Dang, for some reason they are not prepared for us at all and will now be setting up the room that I reserved a month ago.  Can you say frustrated?

This is the first time in a LONG time for me to have my entire family together in one place.  Jen's family has arrived along with my mother, sister, and brother-in-law.  That is the good part.  My earlier concern about the restaurant comes to a major crazy point.  Finally, my girls take it in hand and write out our order FOR the staff and deliver it to the kitchen.  We wait absolutely FOREVER to get our meals and the kids are really getting hungry even though they are enjoying being together again.

I do love the chance everyone is having to visit and reconnect.  Since we are so spread out anymore, it's becoming harder and harder to have these gatherings.  That means we need to treasure them whenever we have a chance.

To kill time, I get Mister to do some family pictures for me.  We have four generations here -- perhaps we should start with those.

Rhiana's and Matt's




Mom, Sis, and I

Rhiana asks for some with her and Kasey along with the girls.  The NEW family.

At this point, I've about given up on food and my sweetheart is pretty upset with the restaurant as well.  We have spoke with management and have tried to let them know that this is NOT the way to handle a group that has reserved a room.

Can this get worse?  The really hard part is that I am always organized and on top of things.  This is so uncomfortable for me that holding it together is getting harder and harder.

Finally!  Food.

After breakfast, Rhiana comes over to the table and shares with us everything that still needs to be done before the wedding.  The list is LONG and we have a ton to do so everyone sets out and splits up to get it all done.  Jen and Becca take on the food, Amanda takes over the kids, Matt, Louis, Jon, Bekah, Cassie, Mister and I head for the wedding site to get it set up and decorated.  Amidst a lot of laughter and confusion, it all comes together.

The reception has a carnival theme so areas for children, egg throwing, sack races, picnics, etc. are all being set up.  Under the tent we even have a cute little living room along with all the food tables.  Even signs are being made.  It's a wee bit crazy out here but little by little we finish up.

While we are doing the main decorating, Kasey (the groom) is busy building the wedding arbor.  I think he did a great job.  It looks fantastic.

As we are nearing the end, it's time for some "favors" for the kids.  Rhiana wants these ribbon sticks but all I can see is someone getting hit with them.  Yes, I am doing what I am told right now.

Cassie has finished the kids area:

We have the tent area finished

And the various picnic areas are set up as well.  It looks lovely.  I can't wait to see it filled with people and watch my lovely daughter get married to her sweetheart.

The signs say it all.

It is now after 3 and we still have to get ready for the wedding.  However, first we have all the flowers to do.  Yep, you read that right.  We are now meeting on the back patio at Rhiana's house to make flower crowns and the bridal bouquet.  Rhiana arrives with her arms laden down with bags of flowers and away we go.  Keep in mind that I've NEVER made one of these before.  I start in on the little girls as most people are working on their own and I will no be wearing one.  It turns out okay -- Elena required that large white flower to be in hers.  Onto the next one.

As we are working on the crowns, Amanda and I look up and discover that we are the only two left.  I am finishing the third little crown and she is working on Rhiana's bouquet.  We have not changed for the wedding and it starts in 15 minutes.  It is at least that far away.  Oh my.  We quickly finish up, I change and with Elena and Malea in tow, Mister and I are off to the wedding.  Amanda just scoops up her clothes to change there.  It's sad that the wedding time has arrived without the Matron of Honor, Flower Girls. or the Mother of the Bride.

We arrive to discover that we are not the only ones who are late.  The wedding has been delayed 1/2 an hour so I take a deep breath and try to get things organized.  The food has not arrived yet as well as several attendants that were busy  making flower crowns until the last minute.

Having a delay does allow cousins to get together and have some fun.  Six boys and Malea are in this picture.  Oh I love these moments.  I hope they remember them as they grow up.

The food arrives but some is missing.  While Jen and I set up the tent, Matt makes a mad dash back to his house to grab the missing items.  The wedding is delayed yet again as Rhiana wants to wait for her brother to return.

As we wander around visiting with people, Kasey has this look on his face as though he is wondering if he really will get married today.  I assure him he will and go about visiting with family.

I meet Kasey's mom for the first time as well as his father and bonus-mom.  It's getting late.  I think the wedding should probably start.  We are now over an hour late.

Mister and I switch into photo mode and get as many pictures as we can before the light fades.

Here is the cake table -- I love how it looks and the simplicity of it all.

It's hard to keep boys clean while at the river bus these guys are doing well.  No one has gone into the water and everyone is just hanging out and telling stories.  As the boys are standing there, a Bald Eagle swoops down and Mister's camera is right on target.  Wow.

We are totally ready for this to start now.  All the food is in place, everyone is dressed, and it's getting late.  The reception has started before the ceremony but at least it's a happy crowd.

Time to line everyone up and then take my seat.  The wedding party.  Peek everyone.

Here comes the bride.

Ah, the ceremony begins and Malea is determined to be right there for every second of it.

I catch Mister busy shooting every angle he can.  It's tough because the wind has hair and curtains blowing all over the place.  Oh hey, love the hat sweetie -- you truly look artistic.

Before the ceremony is over, Elena has joined in and then Kasey's niece doesn't want to be left out either.

I have to admit that watching the children is quite entertaining although I should be listening to the ceremony better.  It's kind of hard when the ring bearer is playing peek-a-boo with the audience though.

It is a lovely ceremony, complete with wonderful memory moments, and now it is done.  They are married and are introduced as a new family.  Welcome, Kasey, to the fam.

Pretty bride and her sweet girls.

Rhiana and Amanda

Off with Mister for some pictures.

As I walk over to the restroom, I can look back on the whole scene.  Upon my return, it appears that Caleb has determined that the walk to the potty is just too dang far away.  Yep, he's a country boy alright.

Mister starts rounding everyone up for some family shots.  Yep, love that man as he always knows just what makes me happiest.

Let's eat and get this party started.

The food looks simply amazing.  Jen and Becca have certainly outdone themselves.

If people can't find something to eat here, there is seriously something wrong with them.

More pictures to make my heart happy.  My five precious children all together.

And their mama with them.

Of course, the new family has pictures taken too along with Great Gammy who made the trip over from Western Montana.

Cake time.

And the toast

Well, I think we have covered almost everything.  It's time to relax and just enjoy.  Pour me a glass of that champagne and I'll find a spot to settle in.  Mister is still working away as the games are about to begin.  I've signed up for the 50/50 but other than that, I'ma just gonna watch.

The races are about to begin and Elena is prepared to yell "GO"

What fun.  Several heats take place before winners are announced.

Now for  the egg toss.

Rhiana is dressed and ready to go. We are losing the light and it's becoming hard to get many pictures now.

A quick stop at the cotton candy machine nets this one though.  Then we ask Scott and Cassie to take a picture of us together.  Those are rare, believe me.

It's been one heck of a whirlwind day for sure.  Nature does provide us with a lovely sunset and the campfire is lit as the temperature drops.  Thank you, sweetie, for making sure we got here and then for being the wonderful person you are and helping so very much.  From sweeping water, to hanging lights, to decorating, to doing Costco runs, to being EVERYWHERE taking pictures.  You are just plain awesome.  I Love You so much.

We are off to the campfire for a few minutes of visiting before gathering up our little girls for the night.  Elena and Malea are coming back to the hotel with us for the night and it's getting late.  I'm tired so I know they must be.  Yes, in the north it stays light out until pretty late.  It's almost 10:00 now and everyone has been going strong all day.  This old woman is beat.

Back at the hotel, Grandpa has two little girls snuggled into bed with a bedtime story.  Yes, he is just that cool.  Congratulations Rhiana.  It was a beautiful wedding and I'm so very glad we were able to be there and help out.  Night everyone.

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