Sunday, June 28, 2015

Cass and Scott Come to Visit

Cassie and Scott are in Dallas for a friend's baby shower and I couldn't be happier.  I have Hyrum and Zyra staying with me so they have opted for a hotel downtown.  Even though we just saw each other in Billings for Rhiana's wedding, it's fun to have some one on one time together as well.  The wedding was just crazyville.

Tonight we are meeting up at Cane Rosso for dinner and we have the added bonus of Miss Ophelia.  This time she isn't quite as afraid of leaving mommy's arms, but it only lasts for about 30 seconds.  Someday -- I'll be patient and she'll want to climb into my arms too.  After dinner, we are homeward bound to put our two charges to bed and we'll see Scott and Cass again tomorrow night.  They are busy throughout the day with friends and we get the nights.  Works.

Tonight's restaurant is Chuy's.  We are letting them pick some of their favs from when they lived here.  Mexican is on the agenda tonight.  I kinda thought they might pick Babes, but not this time.  Ophelia recognizes us all a bit more today but Zyra has found her smiles.  I think she thinks, "Ah, there's someone more my size."  Dang but she is just oh so cute.  Even in my blurry picture.  Cousins Unite.

Yay - for their last day here, Cassie and Ophelia are free to spend the day with us.  We are off to the zoo and pick them up downtown at their hotel.  Let's get going.  I'm likely going to be  a picture-taking fool today as I don't often have two families to play and make memories with right in my own town.  It's time to follow the dinosaur footprints.

Up close and personal with the cheetah -

Apparently I am not the only one taking pictures.  Yep, Mister is along with us today.

Stopping in for the bird show.  Miss O LOVES birds.

Look at how close she is paying attention.  Well all three of them, actually.

During the show there is a time when they ask if anyone has a dollar bill and Cassie is oh so ready for this part.  She is the first one up and trying to give O a chance to see this big birds go right over her head.  Which they do.  First the bird comes to get the dollar.

With the money in it's beak, it returns to stage.

It then returns with a bracelet for Cassie.

Hey, I'll pose if you wish.

Here's your bracelet.

We have time for a stop at the Children's Zoo and allow the littles to play a bit before MORE BIRDS.  Oh I do love this section of the zoo.

Not only do I love the birds, but today I am given the opportunity to hold this sweet granddaughter without her really realizing it.

She did figure it out and wanted mom back again.

Not sure what O is watching here - perhaps Hyrum and Zyra

Please just let me touch it, Mom.

Drat, we are starting to get unhappy.  The other two, however, are loving it all.

Next, we are off to the Savanna and perhaps the giraffes will be hungry, providing another great moment of fun.  This activity never fails to make both Cassie and I smile from ear to ear.  These gentle giants are just so amazing.  We're not the only two smiling.

Lunch break.  Gotta feed the humans.

These elephants were made for sitting and that's just what we'll do . . . . Yeah, I know -- doesn't really fit the melody of the song.  BUT . .  . . .

It takes a couple tries but then . . .


We are making our way through the last few parts of the zoo and it's about time for O to go back into the stroller.  After discussing it, in she goes.  Within moments of getting in, she's out.  What a great day at the zoo.  Always, always, always willing to come here.  Cassie and Scott --- please come back soon for a visit.  We loved our time with you.

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