Thursday, June 11, 2015

Ophelia is ONE! A Trip to Provo for Gammy.- Days 4 & 5

It's BIRTHDAY time!  As i climb the stairs to say good morning to my darling granddaughter, I notice that Cass and Scott stayed up late and were busy as could be.  The room looks wonderful and Ophelia just reaches out and smiles at all the hanging items.

We have a very busy day in front of us with a LOT of cooking involved.  I want to spend a wee bit of time with this precious little one as well so find a few minutes while Cassie gets things started.  We go from pouty to smiley in just a matter of seconds.  Yay.

And - a star is born.  Let her rip, O.  I am a very attentive audience as she bops and sways to the music.

Before I came upstairs this morning, I took the time to prepare O's gift.  I set it on the fireplace seat and sure enough, she has spotted it.  She is so gentle with it as she touches each of the ribbons.  I cannot even say how excited I am to give this to her.  We go outside to set up the patio and decorate a little.  It's another chance for some great time together.

We get the back all set up and I notice an ominous looking sky off to the east.  Let's hope it is going that way and doesn't venture into the backyard.

Now to finish preparing all the food and do a quick clothes change.  We are ready!  It looks like this little lady has made quite a haul.

Everyone is gathering outside and it doesn't take long for O to discover some interesting decorations.  Oh my, what does this do?  Look at how those little toes to all the gripping on the cement.  Each moment finds her a little more stable as she stands.

It's dinner time and even though we have made a meal fit for kings, O is getting her favorite foods.  I spot this plate as Cassie walks out of the house with it and am shocked.  There is no dang way she can eat all that food.  Kaylene agrees with me and we just shake our heads.  Well, guess what?  She eats all of it.  We both have to eat our words.  Amazing.

Present time!  I am perched where I can get a few good pictures and just sit back to watch O get her gift from me.  I don't think I've anticipated anything this much since I finished all the quilts last year.

Her book is almost as big as she is.  No joke.  I love the look of interest she has.

She sits right down as mom opens the book and is soon turning the pages on her own.  Oh, be still my heart.

Okay, now I can relax and just enjoy the party.

After she has opened about half of her gifts, we take a break for cake.  Oh I hope this works out.  We were able to get her own little cake at the store and she looks excited for it already.  Quick as a flash, she has grabbed the cake from daddy and stuck her fingers in it.  Will she be upset?  No one really knows.

She reaches out again to check it out.

As her hand goes in, everyone laughs and that's all it takes.  She is going for it from then on, looking up every now and then to make sure everyone is still watching.  How fun.  How big is the baby?  So big.

As she squishes the cake between her fingers, she starts sharing with everyone.  Oh my, yes, I must imbibe as well.  Wow.  Yummy.  I have to admit that I love this kind of icing.  I know I took a before picture of the cake, but with the one above, it's not really needed.  Here is the after pic as I took the cake to the kitchen.  Now to cut myself a slice.

Just for the memory.

With the help of several wash cloths, we manage to locate O under all that icing and then finish off with her gifts.  She gets a purse and that is it.  She is no longer interested in opening gifts and wanders off to play with her purse.  Finally she is captured again for a picture in her new pool.  With the purse, of course.

It's been a great birthday but there is a horrendous mess in the kitchen so I direct my attention there for awhile.  Soon, I have lots of helpers and we tackle it in no time.

Someone is really getting tired so there are good-byes all around and we are off to the bath.

Happy Birthday O.  I am so glad I got to spend it with you.  I can't wait until you are old enough to come play with me and Grandpa in Dallas.  Love ya tons.

I am flying oh so early in the morning so it is time for some shut eye.  What a great trip this has been.

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