Friday, June 5, 2015

Jared - Summer Camp 2015 Session 1 -- Days 4 & 5

We have opted to stay home this morning and work in the studio.  I tell Jared that he can go through all of my scraps and find pieces that match the quilt I made for him last year.  I will then show him how to make a matching pillowcase for it.  Once he has found a stack of fabric, I show him how to cut them into bricks that we can use.  He is 10 now so is learning safety techniques with the rotary cutter.  I'll be glad when the cutting part is over.  Once the cutting is accomplished, it is time to lay out the rows and see how they look.  Design walls laying on their sides --- perfect for floor sitting.

He says he likes it and is ready to sew.  We work for quite awhile and he has almost all of his rows complete before he calls it quit and is ready to just relax.  It's movie time!  Today is Back To The Future Part 3.  The series is now complete with another grandchild.  Somehow I guess I think they all need to see these movies.

When Grandpa gets home from work, we are off to find some dinner.  We run a few errands first and by the time we get down to Deep Ellum we discover that every BBQ place is either closed or closing.  Ugh.  We were trying so hard to find some macaroni and cheese for Jared.  It just doesn't work and we wind up at the All Good Cafe grabbing a quick meal.

Yep, I'm just as excited about it as Jared is but food is food and soon we are out and about again.  Grandpa asks Jared how good his balance is and soon every "balance beam" type item must be conquered.  Way to go Grandpa.

It is just starting to get dark and I want to try and get a few pictures of the city reflected at night on the Trinity River since it is still at flood stage.  Mister finds a place to park beside the Margaret Hill Hunt Bridge and we all stand and laugh at the signage for the road below us.  The grammar is wonderful but we think it means:  Closed until further notice.  If you look close in the picture above, you will see a stop sign in the water at the lower edge.  Yep, that's the road that is closed.  We walk down by the water a bit while Grandpa takes pictures and find a lonely little frog who is stuck down on the road and trying to get back into the brush.  With a little help from us, he is soon happily on his way.

Grandpa is not able to get quite the pictures he is after and we've never been to the Continental Bridge so that is our next stop.  It is literally bursting with activity.  Apparently we are not the only ones with this idea tonight.  While Mister is busy photographing the city, Jared locates a small activity area and sheds his shoes within moments.

Ah -- Mister's pictures are incredible.  If you want to see more of them, please click HERE.  We stay out pretty dang late but it's a wonderful night.

We are off to the studio to finish the pillowcase this morning and then we can go have some fun.

While he works, I am able to finish my gift for Ophelia's upcoming birthday so it's a double win for me.

In less than two house, we have a completed pillowcase!  It has a quilted cuff and he has done all the work himself.  Woohoo!  I am a proud Gammy AND . . .  I have a smile from my grandson.  You have no idea how good that makes me feel.

Okay, the reward for finishing our tasks this morning is a trip down to the museum.  We are DART bound and are picked up at the house before being delivered to the train.  Selfie time!  Or as Jon has coined it -- an Usie.  Yes, waiting for the train can be exhausting.  We arrive downtown and walk over to Klyde Warren while Jared decides which museum he wants to visit.  We discover a truck that has oh so yummy snow cones and grab a couple of them to devour while he thinks.

The DMA it is.  Grandpa checks in and is going to meet us here when he finishes work.  We are now off to the Creative Connections section of the museum where we both sit down and see what we can make with twist ties, cardboard, twine, and some cellophane.  I come up with a vase of flowers although it could also be construed as a firecracker.  Jared, on the other hand, has gone the sports route and has made a basketball hoop and ball.  Sitting this direction, I jokingly tell him that it looks more like a Quidditch hoop.  Yep, still a Harry Potter fan.

Grandpa finds us still in the Creative Connections are but wants to wander through some of the exhibits so we are soon on our way.  There is much discussion over this one.  I can't blame Jared for wondering about it.  It seriously looks as though someone tore up paper and threw it all over the room.  It's hard for me to see the "art" here too.

After the museum, we catch the trolley for a ride to Uptown and back.  The extension for the line is finally finished and this is the first time we have had a chance to ride.  It's a great view of the area and gives us lots of ideas for restaurants to visit.  Now it is dinner time and we are once again headed down to Deep Ellum to find that BBQ that we couldn't get last night.  The Pecan Lodge is open and I am excited to give it a try.  Jared and I share a tray and he eats the sausage like it's the best he has ever had.  Yay!  Dinner is a success.

It's been another great day, but it is time to return home for some sleep as we are starting out early tomorrow for a day at the zoo.  See ya there.

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