Sunday, June 7, 2015

Jared - Summer Camp 2015 Session 1 -- Days 5&6

It's my last day with Jared as a decision has been made for me to fly to Utah tonight since there are more seats available on standby and it will make life so much easier for me.  That means that we still have a couple of things on our list and they must be accomplished today.  First up:  the zoo.  Let's get going while it is semi-cool out and the animals are moving around.  Jared wants to see the dinosaur exhibit and thus that is our first stop.  It appears as though he and the T-Rex are at a stalemate.

The Galapagos tortoises are always a hit and today they are on the move.  Grandpa and one are checking each other out.  These are our living dinosaurs.

Now, onto the rest of the "dinosaurs".  Yep, smiles occur when one gets spit on by a raptor.

We have a few minutes before the Cheetah Encounter so a quick trip into the reptile house actually nets us an up close and personal experience.  Love these moments.  Now, onto the cheetah.

Both Winspear (the cheetah) and Amani (his black lab "brother") are ready to show us their stuff this morning.  They are both almost two years old now and have grown up.  I kinda miss those little ones from a year ago.

Grandpa and Jared are able to chat with one of the keepers and I am always impressed with the amount of knowledge that Jared has.  He is able to answer so many questions correctly.  From the cheetah to the dinosaur show.  It's always fun to just sit and watch these guys and their magnificent puppets.

Okay --- we have been here long enough.  I WANT to go see the giraffes and I have absolutely every finger and toe crossed that Kipenzi is out today.  We have yet to catch her in the habitat and I am so wanting to see her.  Oh YES!  Score one for us today.  She is right there posing like crazy for us.  She is so tiny compared to the adults and yet she is taller than most of us.

Butt shot! Hahahahaha

Our last stop is to watch the elephant encounter at the base camp.  This is a first for us and I am very interested to see how they work with the elephants from this area.

It is amazing as they come across the savanna to the keepers and do exactly as they are asked to do.  I love the way this enables the keepers to check on their fitness.  Trunk up please.

Well, what zoo trip would be complete without the requisite photo op on the elephants?  Not this one obviously.

It's time to go and when we arrive home, I leave Grandpa to help Jared with some Scout work while I run to Half Price Books for Cassie.  I'm supposed to take some books up with me for Ophelia's birthday.

When I get back home, it's time to make the jam that Jared requested.  On the way home from the zoo, we stopped at Farmer's Market (yes again) and were sadly disappointed at what the city has done.  They have ruined a once loved area for us.  Dang.  We wound up at the grocery store for our strawberries and that truly bummed me out.  Anyway, it's time to make jam so that Jared can give some to his mom.  He starts with the cutting and then gets our supplies measured and ready.

Stir, stir, stir.  Every 5 minutes for half an hour.  Finally, it is time to pour our mixture into the jars and again, Jared handles everything nicely.  It tastes wonderful and he has a nice stack of containers for his mom.  Apparently, they just ran out of the ones we made before.  Nice.  It's time for our airport run.  Dang --- we get stuck in traffic and I barely make my flight -- whew.  I am so glad I had this time with Jared and cannot wait to do it again.  Now he and Grandpa get to spend tomorrow together without any "girls" around.

I am off to Utah this morning and Grandpa takes Jared to the park for a picnic.  After much cajoling, I have failed to get him to write about this day.  Oh well.  Here are the pics.  Make up your own stories.

Peek a boo

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