Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hyrum and Zyra Summer Camp - Days 4 & 5 & Travel Home

It's day 4 and I've likely said it already but dang, time is flying with these two treasures.  We have another absolutely gorgeous day -- best thing about June - and since it's Friday, I have the car to get us downtown.  Hello Klyde Warren Park.  Let's be friends today.

After climbing and playing a bit, they have been given permission to get wet.  Well, I don't have to say it twice and they are off to see just what all they can do.

The interesting part is that they really try NOT to get wet.  Just playing in the mist and trying to stop the fountains with their feet.

Zyra tries so very hard to just stay behind the water spouts.

Can he do the splits?


After the fun at the park, I spot a snow cone truck and grab two totally yummy and terrible for you treats.  Yep, Gammying at it's best.  Of course I get my own.  It's banana you know.  Oh the childhood memories with these.

Okay, now for a walk down the road to the Perot Science Museum.  It gives them a chance to dry out a bit so they don't freeze while inside where the air conditioning runs rampant.

Instead of "follow the yellow brick road" it is follow the green stripe.  It will lead you all the way to the museum.

Well, they didn't exactly dry out and yep, it's cold inside here.  We take a couple quick pictures and head for somewhere warmer and where they can move around to help out.

How about trying to be an eagle and soar through the mountains?

This is a great activity.  As they move, the bird either dives or soars.  It can also level out but needs to be aware of upcoming mountains which it will hit if just going straight.  There are also trees and forests below so they can't dive too much either.  Onto the dinosaurs.

They are both still a bit chilly and it's lunch time (YES, snow cones came before so I decide to grab some food and head out to the patio where they can warm up while eating.  There are signs on the tables asking not to feed the dinosaurs (birds) and these two have made it their business to see if anyone is breaking that rule.

Once back inside, we are off to the children's area in the hopes of finishing the drying process while playing.

Between grocery work, construction work, and running a river -- they are indeed much warmer but I'm not sure Zyra has figured out that she is supposed to be drying off.

Up to the techno area we go.  This is my favorite part of the museum and I do enjoy the activities and fun that is to be had here.  I also seem to ALWAYS learn something new.

After a quick trip around the room discovering kinetic energy and wind fun, they settle on a few things they really want to do and Zyra finds an activity that allows her to create a picture, transfer it to a windmill/fan type apparatus and watch as her picture comes to life.  It's really hard to get the picture as it is definitely in motion, but believe me -- it is accurate.

Hyrum finds the remote control vehicles and camps until a spot opens and he gets a turn.  He literally has patience like I've never seen in someone this age.  The entire time Zyra and I were doing her fan activity, he sat and waited.  Perseverance was his reward though and he has now got control of the cars.  I don't think we are going anywhere very soon.

All too soon, it is time to leave.  We need to get home so that we can meet up with Grandpa and meet Cassie and Scott for dinner.  It's a Mexican kind of night and when we arrive at the restaurant, the first thing we get to watch is the making of the tortillas.  LOVE.   There is also some time to play with cousin Ophelia.  All too soon, the time ends though and we must head back to the house.  We'll see them in the morning cos we are all going to the zoo together.

Back at the house, Grandpa and Hyrum set up the race car track in a new formations.  Yes, my quilt is STILL on the frame.  I really should work on it.  Another day is in the books and I'm beat.  It's bedtime.

Good morning day 5. We are going to do you up right by spending time at the zoo.

I am thrilled that Grandpa is along and I have three grands PLUS my daughter for the day.  Lucky me.

Follow the tracks to the dinosaurs but first a stop at the lagoon with the flamingoes.  They are just so pretty and there seems to be a bit of discussion going on amongst them.  It is great fun to watch.

Now for the dinosaurs.  Zyra is really not too sure about the T-Rex.

Hyrum figures out that he can make the dinosaur heads "spit" at his sister and soon sends water her way.  There are also a couple of large dinos that spit as well.  I KNOW it's coming but they don't.  Hyrum doesn't believe me when I explain so he decides to bait the robotic dinosaur.  Hahahahaha.  Smack talking at it's best.

Take that you nasty little boy.

We make a stop to watch the cheetah run.  Dang.  It's so cool that he is friends with the lab and we are able to learn a ton about Windspear and find out that he travels to schools and things as part of an extension program.  Hyrum wants him to come to his school.

Down around the corner is a dinosaur show that they want to check out.  I've seen it before with the Buttar's boys and think it sounds like a great idea and a chance to sit down and relax for a little bit.

They are dinosaur "puppets" but huge.

It's time for the children's zoo and some running around.  First up is the Underworld -- always a big hit and remembered each year by the grands.  It's always requested and today is no exception.

Onto the birds:

We haven't had enough birds yet --- let's go to the bird show.

Aunt Cassie has money for the bird.

How about feeding some giraffes?

Lunch time and then some poses on the elephants.

This is a must do at all zoo stops.  Cannot pass by the elephants without climbing on top of one for a picture.  Seriously, it can't be done.  We've tried.

Can we get all three?  Well if we don't count the people holding on and hiding in the background.

Just some random zoo moments - check the window to see Zyra and Hyrum

We have a very tired little girl --- it looks like it's time to head home.  What a fun day we have had and I'm so glad we had this chance to get together.  After dropping Cassie and Ophelia at their hotel as they have a flight to catch, we still have one more LAST DAY activity in store for tonight.  First a little quiet time and then we are off to Great-Grandma's house.

We are SWIMMING for awhile.  Neither one knows how to swim but are oh so willing to learn how.  Grandpa and I both get into the pool and just have a blast with these two.  There is no fear and they will try whatever we ask.  In no time we have them floating on their backs and attempting to put their faces in the water along with some swimming.  (Yep, my hair is down)

Fun times with Gammy and Grandpa

And here is a smile I will treasure forever.

See how far they come in just one afternoon.

After a wonderful swim, it is dinner time and Pho is on the menu.  It's just like ramen so both are willing to give it a try.

I can tell that it has been a VERY busy day.  This little one is plain old done in.  We need to get them home as we have a SUPER early flight tomorrow morning.  Dang, I sure wish our time was not over.  This has been such a fun week.

It is EARLY and we are on the way to the airport.  Nope, they are not quite ready to be awake yet.

Grandpa hates these good-byes as much as I do.  They are just plain hard.

After a short, playful wait at the gate, we are soon on our way back to Denver where an anxious Mom and Dad are eagerly awaiting the return of these two.  Perhaps I can change my mind and get off the plane now?

Hello folks.  Family is reunited and I am doing an about face on the plane.  Back to Dallas I go.  Thank you, thank you, thank you Matt and Becca for sharing your wonderful children.  I can't wait until the next time.  Love ya'll so very much.

Until next time . . . .

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