Sunday, June 7, 2015

A Trip to Provo for Gammy - Travel and Day 1

A phone text sends me to Half Price Books right before packing.  My carry-on luggage now has all these beauties in it along with Ophelia's quiet book that I made for her birthday.

"Luggage?," you say.  Yep.  I am on my way to Salt Lake City tonight to spend Ophelia's first birthday with her.  Can you believe it?  I sure can't.  Where did this year go?  After a whirlwind drive to the airport during which I am absolutely positive I am going to miss my flight, it turns out that miracles do happen and somehow I am sitting on the plane ready to take off.  Wow.  Closed roads EVERYWHERE!  Jared and Grandpa are on their own for tonight and tomorrow.  Okay --- time to turn everything off and fly.

I am picked up around midnight by Scott and soon we are on our way to Provo where we find Cassie awake so I am able to visit with her for a little bit.  As she takes me down to my room, we find Scott sitting on the floor in the storage room sewing and making repairs on a living room pillow.  Yep -- that's what everyone does at almost 2 a.m.  It's time for some shut eye as it's been a long day and I'm pretty tired.  In my room, Cassie has left the nicest welcome and fresh roses from her yard.  Perfect!

Good morning!  Rise and Shine!  I can't wait to get upstairs and see my sweet granddaughter.  She is already at breakfast by the time I find a camera.  Note to self:  keep camera close at all times during this trip.

Food helps everything and we are all soon ready to clean up for church.  Helping to get Ophelia ready soothes my soul.  I take over with her for awhile so mom and dad can get showered, dressed, and organized.  Finding a toy in the living room gives me a chance to get down on her level and get to know each other.

We leave church a bit early to get dinner in the oven so the roast has plenty of time to cook.  Once Ophelia has napped, it's time to move around a bit outside.  She's not super keen on the whole dress thing so we get that out of the way as quick as possible.  Ahhhhh, so much better.

Now to practice walking around the patio a bit.  It's always fun to keep mama on the edge of her chair in fear that a fall is about to take place.


I get a few moments where she is okay with me holding her and isn't on the hunt for mama.  Again, I am down on her level.  I will say -- it's nice to feel real grass again.  As much as I love Texas, they really need to admit that they don't grow grass --- just because they call it grass, doesn't make it so.  We are checking out the yard -- feeling our way along trees and anything else to stay upright.  Yep, on tip toes.

Company is coming for dinner so while Cassie finishes preparing the meal, I watch and play with and do anything Miss O requires.  No complaints here.  I bring out her new outfits that I brought along and we try one on her.  Too cute and perfect fit.  It's fun to see Paul and Kaylene again and dinner is well . . . . wonderful.  Kaylene has made an incredible dessert and it is most definitely restaurant quality.  Take a look yourself.  Too bad you can't taste it.  It is delicious.

It's been a super nice day -- relaxing and quiet.   I'm gonna keep it that way.  Going to bed early as I'm pretty tired.  Night all.

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