Thursday, June 25, 2015

Hyrum and Zyra Summer Camp - Days 2 & 3

When morning dawns, the kids want a little time to just play.  I can't say as I blame them even one little bit and the toy closet is quickly raided.  Well -- that's what it is for.  We are opting for a "stay home and chill" day and the next request is for a movie.  I can handle that and so turn Hyrum's bed into a comfy place for two and let the fun begin.

After the movie, it's back to toys.  Yep, still in pajamas.  We are really making strides around here today.

I know, how about making some cookies?  No need to get dressed and we can kill some time as well.

Chocolate chip is the choice for today and we set to mixing by taking turns with the ingredients.

I can't believe that I taught all my kids to make cookies by using two teaspoons.  It's so much harder for little hands to manipulate AND it's hard to bake them evenly as their sizes are all over the charts.  These scoops (which were available then too) are wonderful.  They love them as well and Hyrum has his half of the cookies ready to bake just like that.

Now it's Zyra's turn and she continues filling the sheet.  Hmmmm -- perhaps we should have pulled that hair back.

The best part?  Well of course it is the licking of the beater.  Who didn't do this as a kid?  I feel sorry for you if you have not experienced it.  I still have a little taste as well (YES, I KNOW it has raw eggs in it.  I'm still here.)

Grandpa is going to meet us at the pizza place for dinner and that means we have to actually put clothes on and walk down there.  It is about 1/2 a mile away -- let's go.  Even though the walk is quite warm, it only takes about 10 minutes and we are soon back into an a/c controlled environment.  It almost feels cold in here.

While we are sitting in the booth, I look in my purse and find the silly "kid meal" toys that came with their lunch yesterday at the mall.  Zyra has a new pair of ears to play with until we are ready to go.

Once dinner is complete, the temperature has started to move down a wee bit and there is a breeze in the air so the decision is made to go to the lake and walk around for awhile.  As we arrive, there are purple marlins EVERYWHERE.  It's so dang cool.

I LOVE being down at the lake.  It's definitely one of my favorite places in Dallas and sometimes I feel just like a kid again when we are there.  The grands are pretty  nervous watching me do this and they absolutely did not want to try.  Instead, they opt for walking along the edge and playing with sticks.  Cool.

One of the best parts about the lake is viewing the abundant waterfowl and other birds that reside here.  My heart is always happy when my eyes have some candy.  The additional eye candy tonight includes sail boats.  Isn't this lovely?

As we continue walking around, I fall back a bit to watch Grandpa and the kids have some time together.  Since he has gone back to work it's harder for him to just hang with them and I know he misses it.  It's been a great day -- enjoy the rest of the pictures and tomorrow's events will still be part of this post.

Good morning!  I sneak quietly outside to make sure that all plants are well watered while taking a minute to stand back and remember how much I love my home and yard.  Ahhhh.
Today will be a bus adventure.  We are going over to the Children's Garden and without a car, I have had to research the local busses.  I think we can do it pretty easily so let's get out of here.  

One of the first things the kids spot is a treehouse to climb in.  Yep, Hyrum makes it to the top in nothing flat with Zyra close behind.  When we continue down the path, Zyra finds that she is in love with the water misters that are located throughout the gardens.
The kaleidoscope is always a favorite and today is no exception.  Okay, okay -- I love it too.

Some shots from throughout the gardens.

With a little beauty thrown in:

Water fun!  Truly is there any better thing on a hot day.  Fortunately, or not, these do not turn towards each other.  Red cheeks -- a definite indicator that it is HOT out today.

Ah, a glimpse at the lake through the trees.

More water fun:

And, of course, the wind machine - even though the air is warm, it is surprisingly rejuvenating.

There is just so much to see and do here that the kids race from one thing to the next, in fear of missing a single item.  Their enthusiasm is contagious but I'm hot.  I'm aiming us inside for a bit to cool off.

One of the volunteers in the Education center is manning the Globe Room and gives these two a private lesson on our earth.  Pretty cool.

The maze is open today and we are off to see if it can be overcome.

There are lots of interesting stops along the way, making it entertaining as well as a challenge.

We are successful and emerge easily.  The last stop of the day is behind the waterfall, looking out.  Well, technically they are looking back at me, but I'M looking out.

We have a bus to catch so it's back through the tunnel over to the parking garage and down the road a bit to our stop.  These two are SUCH troopers.  No matter how hot they are, no complaints are made and they just sit contentedly waiting for our ride.

Scott, Cassie, and Ophelia are in town for a couple of days to attend an event.  We are meeting up with them tonight at Cane Rosso for dinner and I'm so excited to see them again.  Let's get there.  It's a great time with a rare, non-bar seating.  I love when more than one part of my family is around at a time.  It makes for wonderful memories.

Well, it's time to call it a day.  See ya tomorrow.

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