Saturday, October 21, 2017

Back in Big Sky Country -- Flathead Days 3 & 4

Day 3 - Malea had a bit of a rough night last night so after changing bedding and clothes along with showering her, I let the girls (and me) sleep in a bit.  I'm kind of running on empty right now even with the extra time.  What shall we do today?  Apparently, whatever was bothering Malea has hit the road and I am so thankful for it.  No one else seems to have anything so all is good.  Again, what to do today?

We decide to go into town to a place called Sweet Pickins' for some fall fun.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Back in Big Sky Country -- Billings Day 1 and Flathead Day 2

After two years, it's time for me to make a trip back to Montana.  Rhiana has called and invited me to watch the girls while they take a trip and how can I turn that down?  As a result, I am taking the train to DFW this morning in order to catch my flight.

American Airlines has a non-stop Dallas to Billings flight and this is the first time I've been able to use it.  I make use of flight crocheting and it's crazy, but a short 2 hours and 37 minutes later, I am once again in Big Sky Country.  Time literally flew by.

Upon my arrival, I am met by Kasey and we are quickly off to meet the girls after school.  Apparently they really want to show me their new bikes and have ridden them to school just for that.  We go straight to the school and wait for them in the schoolyard.  The minute they spot me they run and jump into my arms.  Oh, my heart.  It's moments like this that I truly live for.  Now to get the bikes and walk home.  At least I'll get a few steps in today.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Pumpkins and Wizard of Oz at the Arboretum

It's Sunday.  That means our Anniversary week is coming to a close.  So sad.  Not really.  It has been so fun and I have enjoyed each part of it.  We are finishing it out this morning with an early morning walk at the Arboretum.  As we arrive, the rain has stopped and yet there is still moisture sitting on the plants.  I can't take any pictures just yet, but I'm not in the gates so I grab a quick one of these Tarul (elephant ear) plants.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

A Loop Around the City - Festivals, Antiques, and Sour Beer

As Anniversary Week continues, we have planned a loop around the city today that will allow us to make several stops a local events along the way.  Out the door and in the car by 9, Downtown Garland is first on the list.  When we arrive, the realization that we took off without ANY breakfast hits (and that is never good for the two of us) but fortunately, right on the square is a delightful coffee shop.  I started to type "little" coffee shop, but this one is rather large.  Welcome to Rosalind Coffee.  From what we can tell right away, they have a great plan here.  We see wine racks for the evening customers, coffee for whatever time of day, and a great menu so that even the lunch crowd is happy.  Perfect.  I love that I spot events posted around which means that this is a happening place.  How cool is that?

Friday, October 13, 2017

Anniversary Week - 9th, 10th, 12th , Friday the 13th (Drag Races)

It's Anniversary week.  How can that be?  Another year has gone by and I'm shocked.  Seven years already.  Wow.  The best part???  We both still have roses in our eyes.  Perfect.

Oh -- and I have roses in the house today too along with a yummy celebration drink.

Today is the day.  Yep, 10/10/10.  Such a binary couple.  The only thing my sweetie says to me this morning before he leaves is, "Dinner is at 7."  Well, I will make sure to be ready.  I always love these moments because often they are steps back in time.  Well, I can't sit here and wonder all day, I've got things to do.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Haircut and a Sunset

Somedays, ya just gotta change things up a bit.  The hair has gotten a bit out of control and I'm liking it shorter and shorter these days.  After some definite searching, I have located a new stylist right in my own neighborhood.  Woot, woot.  I kid you not -- this is a definite happy dance.  I'm off for a try out.  See ya in a few.

Guess what?????  She did great and I'm cooler again.  Yes, temperature wise.  Hahahaha -- okay, I'm a pretty cool old lady too.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Texas State Fair

Oooooh, It's October and that means fun, fun, fun.  With Anniversary Month comes lots of activity and time together.  I do love the seasons, don't you?  Birthday Season, Anniversary Season, etc.  Ohhh, you thought I meant Autumn.  Well, I do love this season too --- in fact, it is my favorite.

Mister suggests a day at the State Fair and I'm always up to that.  As per our usual mode of operation, the car is not involved and we are DARTING down to Fair Park.  It's a beautiful morning and we arrive a bit before the exhibits open.  Yes, we ARE those people.  The ones who go to all the exhibits and vendors and avoid the midway at all costs.

Hello there, Big Tex.  I love how he says "Howdy" back to us.  Check out his boots.  They are HUGE.