Saturday, October 14, 2017

A Loop Around the City - Festivals, Antiques, and Sour Beer

As Anniversary Week continues, we have planned a loop around the city today that will allow us to make several stops a local events along the way.  Out the door and in the car by 9, Downtown Garland is first on the list.  When we arrive, the realization that we took off without ANY breakfast hits (and that is never good for the two of us) but fortunately, right on the square is a delightful coffee shop.  I started to type "little" coffee shop, but this one is rather large.  Welcome to Rosalind Coffee.  From what we can tell right away, they have a great plan here.  We see wine racks for the evening customers, coffee for whatever time of day, and a great menu so that even the lunch crowd is happy.  Perfect.  I love that I spot events posted around which means that this is a happening place.  How cool is that?

Ah, yes,  Scones and a warm drink.  The perfect way to start a day.

Across the street is the Urban Flea Market and our reason for making this one of our destinations.  Wonderful music fills the air and gives this little market just the right ambiance.

There are also tents lining the street around the square itself.  We start off walking that direction and I am soon distracted by this cute bench in an alcove.

What a great space to just sit and enjoy the bustle of the town square and the activity all around.  A nice cup of something to drink and time would just pass so sweetly.

One of the tents along the street has the cutest jewelry ideas every.  Mister and I go through the entire booth very carefully and then I spot these cute earrings.  My sweetheart asks if I want a pair and I pass BUT do manage to sneakily get the designers address and find out if she could do a lapel pin of this darling koala and I'm tickled pink to get an answer in the affirmative.

Several other items catch my eye but I'll leave them for my other blog post.  To catch up with ALL that I see that is crafty related please click on THIS LINK.  As hard as it is to believe, we leave without any purchases at all.  In fact, the only money spend is as we depart -- a tip to the musician.

Across the street is an antique shop that once netted me several special tables so I feel the need to check it out again.  No  luck on the tables but I do manage to walk out with a new red hat for a crazy good price.  Woot Woot.

It's time to move onto the next place on our list.  We are off to Plano and the International Festival being held there.  I LOVE these type of events for the food, crafts, and music.  We haven't attended this one before and are not really sure what to expect, but the car is heading that way.

Finding a parking spot a couple of blocks away saves us being stuck in the traffic and delivers a short walk which we need anyway.  The event is downtown, right along the DART rail and in a cute little city park.  It's packed with tents and attendees.  Let's go.  Ooooh - so pretty.

As we walk around the pond, a fashion show is taking place at one end.  We arrive in time to see several of the costumes and I absolutely love it.

As we make the rounds, I spot the booth from Brazil and have to stop in for a peek.  I had such a great trip there once upon a time.  Check out this magnificent lace and tablecloth workmanship.

So, so pretty.  I am once again reminded that I get to see my darling daughter-in-law (who is from Brazil) in about a week.  Fun times are ahead for sure.

The Ukrainian booth features so many different items and a quick peek is necessary here as well.

Everywhere you look, there are those who are either presenting or performing or preparing to do one or the other.  It sure makes everything very festive.

Just before we leave (again no purchases) I make a pit stop to check out the old postal train that is on display here but closed for the event.  Now I need to make a return trip up  here to look it over a bit more and study the history.

Now what is next?  Oh, yes.  Up to Carrollton.  Or is it across to Carrollton?  I am not really sure even after all this time here in the metroplex.  The event is an Armenian Festival at St. Sarkis Armenian Orthodox Church.

Upon our arrival, we are greeted by a police officer directing traffic and are fortunate enough to be given a spot fairly close.  After a short walk, into the building we go and my eyes locate the many delightful baked goods being offered.  Wow.

They all look so very delicious.  Mister stops and gets a Armenian coffee, which he says reminds him of Turkish coffee but it's not like I would know.

Continuing on towards the woven rugs at the bag, we spot a loom sitting of to the side.  Did someone get this far along and then discover that they had misspelled a word?  Or is it still a work in progress?  We'll never know but it sure is interesting to check out all up close and personal.  The rugs are hanging on temporary walls at the other end of the room and are simply gorgeous.

As I wander on, I spot a wall that tells what each of the components of a rug stand for.  The meanings behind each design are different and yet very specific.  Here I just thought they put together what looked good.

At the end of another table, I spot a display that really catches my eye.  I wish I could have gotten a better picture, but the photograph in the middle is of an old Armenian church.  It definitely revises in me a desire to go over to Turkey and that area.

There is a door leading into the church and that is my next destination.  As I enter, I discover that the priest is giving a "tour" of the church and a history lesson at the same time.  We find a spot to sit and listen.  Father Ghevond is very personable and answers all the questions given to him in an educated and delightful manner.  I could listen to him for hours.  Before we leave, a few moments are give to peek around the chapel and take pictures.

This set of robes is actually worn here at the church for special events by Father Ghevond.

Well, that's it.  We're done and hungry as well but apparently not for Armenian food.  The last event on our list for today is back in Dallas and down near Jimmy's so, dang, that is where we are gonna get lunch.  I so love their food and great little store.

With full bellies, now we can go to Strangeways and enjoy the rest of the afternoon taking part in the Sour Beer Week.

As you know, Mister loves sour beers and I am a rookie of the highest order.  I'll see if I can find a few of the least tart ones and have a sample or so.  Otherwise, this event is for him.  I'll drive.

Since this event has been going for a few weeks, most of the Cascade Brewing selections are already sold out.  Drat.  We had such a good time there while in Portland and I knew what I was getting but it's all good.  New offering give new experiences.

With a sampler

And some "fries", we are set and before we know it, the afternoon is gone and it's time to call it a day.  A wonderful day.  Thank you Sweetie, for another complete day together.  I treasure them all.

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