Friday, October 13, 2017

Anniversary Week - 9th, 10th, 12th , Friday the 13th (Drag Races)

It's Anniversary week.  How can that be?  Another year has gone by and I'm shocked.  Seven years already.  Wow.  The best part???  We both still have roses in our eyes.  Perfect.

Oh -- and I have roses in the house today too along with a yummy celebration drink.

Today is the day.  Yep, 10/10/10.  Such a binary couple.  The only thing my sweetie says to me this morning before he leaves is, "Dinner is at 7."  Well, I will make sure to be ready.  I always love these moments because often they are steps back in time.  Well, I can't sit here and wonder all day, I've got things to do.

Fast forward to 6:00 and my sweetie is home.  We leave shortly after that and he surprises me with dinner at Terilli's.  Oh my heart.  This is one of the first spots we went together.  Love, love, love.  That night - oh so long ago - he treated me to a Bellini-Tini and I loved it.  Tonight is a repeat.

Some mussels for an appetizer.  Oh yum.  After a delicious main course (that I didn't take a picture of) we finish with some wonderful gelato.  The perfect night together.  Hours at the restaurant and never a lag for conversation.  What more could a girl ask for?  Happy Anniversary, my love, and thank you for another memory made.

12th -  It's Thirsty Thursday and I've asked for a beer.  Without any hesitation, my Mister agrees and picks me up after work.  Within moments my wish is granted.  Vacation (three day weekend) has started for him and it's time to relax and enjoy.

13 -  Friday the 13th and we are off to the drag races in Ennis, TX.  This is all new to me and I have eager eyes darting everywhere.  We are WAY out in the parking lot and I can already hear the cars.  It's gonna be dang loud in there.  Yep, I have two hats with me AND a pair of noise reducing headphones.  Let's go.

As we enter the stadium, we walk past the que for cars to start.  Wow, it's already loud and these aren't the crazy cars yet.  Standing behind the cars as they take off is really dang cool

Next, we walk along the fence and peek at a few cars up close.  These are personal, non-professional cars -- hobby if you will.  They are able to race before the actual event takes place.

Beyond this area, are the pits.  Now, I have to tell you.  These are not like anything I imagined.  Talk about state of the art semi's.  Goodness.  Each car has one, if not two of these and they are amazing.

Here they are unloading a car from one of the trucks.  The ramp they are on lowers from the upper level in the truck.

Then a quick spin and it goes into the tent to prepare for the race.

Mister's camera at work.

It's time to race.

Look at these great cars as they take off.

Love, love, love

These cracked me up as they lifted up upon take off.

My attempt at a video of an early race --- so hard to keep up with these cars

Moving down further, I give it another attempt

View from the finish line

After six hours in the HEAT and noise, we are ready to call it a day.  As we head out, another stop at the starting tunnel.

Just before leaving, we go into the arena from the opposite side right down near the cars.  One last race or two if we don't lose our hearing.  I find a seat and stabilize the camera to try one more video.  This time it works pretty sweet - at least for take-off.  All the movement you see is NOT the camera -- it's sound waves and air movement.  CRAZY.

Well that's it.  We done.  Truly.  Our ears are ringing, we're hot and I'm a dirty little pig due to black stuff coming off my headphones all over my yellow shirt.  Ugh.

As we drove to the track, I noticed that we were about halfway between Ennis and Waxahachie.  A quick mention of going there for dinner and Mister is right on track with me.  Woohoo.  This is where my sweet man proposed to me 7 years ago.  It will always hold a special place in my heart.

They are all decorated for Halloween.  Nice.

I find a new beer that is to die for.  Seriously, must find locally.

And dinner of a chicken salad is perfect too.  What a great way to end our day.

It's long after dark by the time we head home.  See ya later Waxahachie -- likely next year.  What a fun beginning to Anniversary week and it's not over yet, but I'll leave some for another post.

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