Thursday, October 19, 2017

Back in Big Sky Country -- Billings Day 1 and Flathead Day 2

After two years, it's time for me to make a trip back to Montana.  Rhiana has called and invited me to watch the girls while they take a trip and how can I turn that down?  As a result, I am taking the train to DFW this morning in order to catch my flight.

American Airlines has a non-stop Dallas to Billings flight and this is the first time I've been able to use it.  I make use of flight crocheting and it's crazy, but a short 2 hours and 37 minutes later, I am once again in Big Sky Country.  Time literally flew by.

Upon my arrival, I am met by Kasey and we are quickly off to meet the girls after school.  Apparently they really want to show me their new bikes and have ridden them to school just for that.  We go straight to the school and wait for them in the schoolyard.  The minute they spot me they run and jump into my arms.  Oh, my heart.  It's moments like this that I truly live for.  Now to get the bikes and walk home.  At least I'll get a few steps in today.

Fall is definitely in full force here in Billings and I am thrilled.  Oh, I do love this season so very much.  I will get two of them this year due to this trip.

Check out this crazy tree trunk.  WOW.  Very cool.

We get to the house and the girls give me a tour of it.  Come along and see how cool it is.

I am taken back in time upon my first view of it.  Years and years ago, we rented a house here in Billings with the exact same floor plan.  Wow - the memories that come flooding back.

The first picture (above, right) is the view from the front door and shows the dining area and entrance into the kitchen.  This next picture is from the dining room and looking back towards the front door.  Everything is done in black/white/grey with some hints of teal/turquoise.

There are two bedrooms on the main floor and years ago when we had the same floorplan, one was the master bedroom and the other was Matt's.  First up:  Malea's room.

And Elena's

A stairway from the dining room leads up to a loft which is large enough for two bedrooms, but they have one blocked off and have made it a super fun playroom.

Another dining room doorway leads into the kitchen.  It is small, but very functional and I certainly cooked a lot of meals in the same one years ago.

The doorway off the kitchen leads downstairs to the master bedroom.  This room has yet to receive it's update.  I believe it is next on the list.

And another room has been turned into a walk-in closet.  Hey, it works beautifully.

After the tour and a short break to visit, we decide to take a walk over to Pioneer Park and play outside for a bit.  It's an absolutely beautiful day out and I want to take in all the magnificent color that nature is providing.

And then, there is the sound of crunching leaves.  I miss this one for sure.

Ahh - it almost looks like the seasons split here.

Finding a tree that the girls can climb in provides a photo op.

Can we go play?  Absolutely.

Once they finish at the park, I suggest walking over the bridge to play in the leaves on the other side of the creek.

And then this happens -

Elena is not quite as brave but does manage to make a leaf angel.

It's time to head back to the house and have some dinner.  Kasey has ordered a pizza as Rhiana is having her hair done for their trip.  When she arrives, we get a chance to visit and Elena steals my camera.  Yep, I have no idea she has it and even after Rhiana goes to check on something else and I am playing with Malea, she continues - even moving to a video.

That's pretty much the end of our day.  I have made a decision to pack up the girls tomorrow morning and, after delivering Rhiana and Kasey to the airport in Bozeman, drive to Flathead Lake to spend some time with my mother and sister.  I've told my sister I am thinking about it but not a word to my mom.  Her birthday is this month and so it's a pre-birthday surprise for her.  Bringing the girls along is the icing on the cake as she doesn't get to see her great-grands too often.  So, that all being said, we are all off to bed for an early rising time tomorrow.  Night.  (day two on this post - keep scrolling.)

Day 2 -  WOW --- I wake at 3:00 a.m. in fear that we are running late only to discover that my watch is still on Texas time.  It's 2 a.m. and now I'm awake.  Great.  Rhiana is also up so we talk while she packs and then Kasey wakes, dresses, and starts to load the truck.  Grabbing girls at a little before 3, we are on the road by 3:20.  Yep it's early but they are instructed to go back to sleep.

I drop Rhiana and Kasey around 5:30 at the Bozeman Airport and point the truck west.  The girls are still sleeping and my eyes are having a bit of trouble as well so I stop and grab a coffee.  That's better - now to just drive.  Around 8 I start to see signs of a sunrise.

By 8:30 the sun is up, the girls are awake, and by 9:15 we are in Polson.  Oh yeah --- there's the lake I love so much.

Keeping on track, the girls decide to wait for breakfast until we get to Woods Bay.  Mister tells me I really should give my mom some notice so I call when we are 5 minutes away.  We plan on going up to the Woods Bay Grill first so she has time however, when I call, she is already up and comes right up to see us.

The girls split a pancake.  That's right SPLIT.  This place is notorious for the size of their pancakes.  We even toss in a few chocolate chips and a piece of sausage for good measure.  BOTH plates are clean when we leave.  Way to go girls.  Whew.  Now to go down to the house, unload the truck and stretch our legs a bit.  These two are amazing -- they haven't even asked for a single potty break throughout the night.  WOW.

After Mom and I have a chance to visit a bit, we decide to go into town so that the girls can walk around.  As we leave Woods Bay, this tree strikes me as incredibly beautiful.  Must take picture. 

We also decide to have some lunch and then hunt for espresso beans for my friends back home - including a stop at Eva Gates, where they are currently bottling syrup and the girls get to watch for awhile.  I leave empty-handed but there is always the internet.

Next stop is at Harvest Foods, where my mother worked for over 15 years after she sold her own businesses.  She wanders around to find an old friend and then introduces her to the girls at the same time that they have discovered a whole bin of stuffies.  Ugh.  After a few minutes of chatting, I let them each pick out a new stuffie to take home with them.  Smiles all around.

Their last request is for ice cream and Dairy Queen just happens to be right there.  Problem solved.  Ya'll better not spill in GG's car.

Once we are back at the house, the girls watch a movie and then it's time to go for a walk down to the lake.  Let's get the end of those wiggles out and some fresh air and exercise at the same time.  Malea mentions that her tummy hurts and I ask if she wants to stay home, but she doesn't so off we go.  It is not that far of a walk and oh so pretty out.

Oh there she is --- ahhh -- so pretty.  For those of you that don't know.  This is the Woods Bay of the Flathead Lake.  It is the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River in the contiguous United States at over 27 miles long and 15.5 miles wide. 

The girls instantly want to throw rocks and enjoy their time.

It's funny as the sun is going behind clouds and working towards setting -- the entire area takes on a different hue.

 And just about then --- Malea gets sick.  It's time to go back to the house.  She wasn't joking about a tummy ache.  Perhaps a bit too much ice cream?  The rest of the evening is spent quietly and then off to bed as they had a very early start today.  Sleep well girls, see ya tomorrow.

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