Sunday, October 1, 2017

Texas State Fair

Oooooh, It's October and that means fun, fun, fun.  With Anniversary Month comes lots of activity and time together.  I do love the seasons, don't you?  Birthday Season, Anniversary Season, etc.  Ohhh, you thought I meant Autumn.  Well, I do love this season too --- in fact, it is my favorite.

Mister suggests a day at the State Fair and I'm always up to that.  As per our usual mode of operation, the car is not involved and we are DARTING down to Fair Park.  It's a beautiful morning and we arrive a bit before the exhibits open.  Yes, we ARE those people.  The ones who go to all the exhibits and vendors and avoid the midway at all costs.

Hello there, Big Tex.  I love how he says "Howdy" back to us.  Check out his boots.  They are HUGE.

As I said, we have arrived a bit early so wander the grounds around the lagoon for a few minutes.

There is a new addition to the fair in this area and it includes farm animals.  As we walk up, this little calf is nursing and stops long enough to wonder what we are doing.

We also stop in at a Tiny House and see what the hoopla is all about.  Honestly, perhaps this was just a bad example, but it reminded me of a very small mobile home.  A long narrow hall leading down to a bathroom and bedroom.  It had the feel of a mobile homes as well.  I just didn't see the potential.  I know, I probably need to look around and give other designs a chance.  We ARE ready to make a change, but probably not this direction - I have too many sewing machines and fabric.  Seriously.

More grounds.  And TURTLES!!!

After going through one building of vendors, we are off to check out the cars.  There is a great selection here and we can contrast and compare like crazy.  After visiting two buildings of dealers, I have to say, I like two of them.  One, is a Kia (my picture didn't turn out) and the other is this Toyota Prius Hybrid.  I likey.

As we roam down to the other end of the grounds, Mister is off to the information booth and I check out another booth where I find just the cutest purses.  They are all made of woven magazines that have been laminated.  Pretty dang fun.

Mister locates me and asks me to come with him as he has discovered a home made from an entire log.  Yes -- this log is just that big and all authentic.  It has been traveling the world for quite some time.

The next booth that catches Mister's eye is one where they sell Susho Wall Hangings.  We are not allowed to take pictures, but here is some information on it.  WOW.

Yes, we stop in to check out the quilts, but that part is in my other blog.  I'm saving you here.  Once finished there, we wander down to the animals for a bit and Mister shows me a statue I've not noticed before.  It is The Texas Woofus, a mythical chimera first sculpted in 1936 as a mix of the main animals of Texas livestock.  It features the main and neck of a horse, a turkey tail, pig body, duck wings, a sheep's head, and, of course, a pair of Texas longhorns.  A strip of decorated blanket hangs over each side and it can be seen spouting water from it's mouth.  I LOVE the way the sun is cooperating in these pictures.

It's time to sit down and have a beer.  A spot is selected, Mister orders a beer and as we stand to wait, these two officers are laughing and one keeps reciting the same lines over and over.  With our beer in hand, we settle in to watch and before long one takes out a phone and starts videoing the other in a live Facebook feed.  They are just too funny to watch.

I"m sure you can locate the video on the Dallas Police Department's Facebook page, dated October 1.  You'll hear my sweet man and I cheering in the background at the end of the video.

Well, that's about it for our day.  I still haven't had a treat and as Mister goes off to use the last of our coupons for a funnel cake, I walk up to booth and ask if they have a glass of water.  I am suddenly so very hot.  The man there takes one look at me and offers me a glass of ice and a bottle of water for free.  I must have looked pathetic indeed, but it goes to show that kindness can always be found.  The view while I wait for Mister is fun and yes, we are scary close to the midway now.  I do like the gondola ride, but it's super short and crazy expensive AND I've done it before.  I'll save my dollars for new experiences, thank you very much.  Ahhh, the funnel cake has arrived.  Now to savor this once a year treat and then start the trek home.  It's been a great day together and the perfect start to our month.  Bye, Big Tex.

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