Saturday, September 30, 2017

Swim meet Grandparents and Some Shopping

We haven't had a grandparent day in quite awhile so today we are off to The Colony to watch our grandson, Jon, at a swim meet.  Mom and Dad are unable to attend, leaving us this opportunity to cheer him on.  After a crazy attempt to get a cup of coffee (The Colony definitely has a dearth of shops) and a stop at the post office to mail a couple of packages, we arrive at the aquatic center with about 1/2 an hour before the meet starts.  It is just enough time to watch him warm up and say hello.

The meet starts and the girls are up first, allowing the boys an opportunity to cheer them on from the sidelines.  Each event has about 25-30 heats and I have to admit, they are running it crazy good.  Each race starts and the next heat is lined up.  When the race ends, the swimmers stay in the water and the second heat starts before they leave the pool.  Fast, fast, fast.  It's gotta be or we will be here until tomorrow to get this many swimmers through.

Jon's first event is the butterfly.  Mister and I have made arrangements that he will take pictures and I will do the videos.  He gets a great picture of the take off and I just keep looking at it over and over again.  Super cool.

The video needs some work.  He is in lane 2 from the top and for some reason, the fact that I have zoom capability eluded me.  Oh well, enjoy the heat.

He places three in the heat and improves his time as well.  Good job.

Next up is the backstroke.  Again, he is second lane from the top.

Neither Mister, nor I, managed to get a picture of the stats before they took them down this time.  He did improve his time and I was able to get the information.  His time is 30.29 and he placed third in his heat.

Moving onto breaststroke.  This is not an event he usually competes in so is placed in a much earlier heat.  He is in lane 7 which is super close to us allowing us great pictures and video.  Yay.

And a first place finish in his heat.

The last of his single events is freestyle.  He is top seed in his heat and in lane 4.  Wow --he is dang fast.  I'm super impressed.

And another first place finish in the heat and improvement of his time.  Awesome.  Way to go Jon.

Jon still has one more race to go but it will be about two hours before he swims and, frankly, my bum just can't take it.  These benches are just so hard to sit on and we have already been here for four hours.  Time to say our goodbye's and wish him luck on his final event.

We also haven't eaten a meal yet today.  We need to pick up a few things at Costco and they have hot dogs there.  A twofer.  Once we finish there, my sweetie remembers that he broke his rice rinser and wants a new one.  That means a trip to Jusgo's.  While there, he is not able to find a rinser, but we manage to purchase a ton of rice and noodles.  Yes, we are undergoing a diet change in our home and that means a complete change of the way we do things.

As we are leaving the store, I look up and the sky is just dang beautiful.  Crazy cool.

About a block away from Jusgo's is another Asian market -- Mitsuwa.  Perhaps they will have his rinser.  YAY!  Success.  And, finally we are on our way home.  This has been a long day, but very enjoyable. 

On the way home, some friends of mine are having a day retreat and Mister agrees to stop by and say hello if anyone is still there.  It's a fun stop and hugs all around before making the final leg of the trip home.  Twelve hours later, we are back in the house and ready to crash.  Hope your days was as fun.

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