Friday, September 22, 2017

Hyrum and Zyra's Emergency Request

While I was at the beach retreat last week, I received a call from my grandson, Hyrum.  He wanted to know if I could repair some toys for him and his sister, Zyra.  He starts talking about a hat and a neck and pretty soon I have to ask, "Are they stuffed toys?"  He answers in the affirmative and now I feel a bit more at ease.  What grandmother wouldn't say yes to such a sweet request?  Not this one.  I hung up and kind of put it out of my mind until today.  Mister went out to the front porch to water the plants and asked if I was expecting a box.  Then he looked at the return address and knew what it was right away.  (I had called him from the beach and told him about their request.)

He checked the clock and asked if I could have it all finished and back in the mail before the post office closed today.  That gave me two hours and it shouldn't take anywhere near that so I said yes.  While I went to find thread, he was busy setting up my work space and I returned to a hospital operating table.  Okay, I can play this game too.

Let's see just what we are dealing with here in the ER room.  Yep, we have a loose purple hat, and a turtle neck that is coming away from the shell and oozing stuffing.

The first patient, Koopa, is put under and will likely require several sutures in order to make him whole again.  Perhaps even a dab of glue just to make sure, before it is all sewn back together.  I think we've got this one under control now.

Giving him the blanket to keep warm, I move onto Waluigi.  His surgery is a bit simpler but I decide that perhaps a dab of glue on the top of his head wouldn't hurt either.  Now for the sutures to attach teh hat to his head.  Yes, that seems harsh, but apparently he likes it that way.

Both surgeries have been successful and the prognosis is good.  It's almost time to wrap this up.

Now for some bandages while they heal.

And back into the box they go for the airlift back home in Montana.
A perfect ER response.  In and out in less than 2 hours.  The hardest part of the operation was locating the best color of purple thread to use.  Hopefully, they will be back in the arms of Hyrum and Zyra by Monday and playing as usual shortly thereafter.

Thanks for letting Grandpa and I share this moment with you.  Love you both so much.

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