Monday, October 23, 2017

Back in Big Sky Country -- Billings Time - Days 5 & 6

I am one organized Gammy this morning.  I have the girls dressed, fed, and the truck loaded before 8:30 a.m.  That leaves us some puppy time AND some time for pictures.  It's kind of hard to say good-bye today.  Even though we were able to stay one night longer than we thought, it still went super fast.  I definitely need to make another trip up here before two more years go by.

The girls had such fun with GG and made memories as well.  How much more could I ask for? 

Okay everyone together now --- it's time to smile. 

Malea was having a real hard time letting me and my mom take a picture.

But we managed it.

Since Elena had been taking the pictures, she wanted another one too.

Into the truck we all go and that's it.  As we round the corner in Woods Bay, a quick look at the lake causes us to stop and take some pictures.  The lake is full of white caps and cold waves are crashing against the shore.  What a chance in weather from the glass like lake two days ago.

In Yellow Bay I pull the truck over a couple more times for some pictures of the color in the cherry orchards.  Isn't this incredible?  Keep in mind that this is after rain all night.  So many leaves have come down.

The girls settle in for the long drive home after a stop for hot chocolate and muffins.  We are good to go the rest of the way.  By 3:30, we are back at the house, rapidly unloading the car and taking showers before getting back into the truck to go and visit Matt and family.  Oh my.

I've not been to Matt's new house so take a few minutes to take some pictures.  Becca loves Halloween so the outdoors is all decorated and ready to go.

Take a peek

Once in the house, I am given the complete tour and truly love what Becca has done.  The "parlor"

Living Room


Dining and Laundry

Guest Bedroom

Gaming Room

Family Room

Now for the backyard - Oh I wish.  Love, love, love.

And that's when my camera went into hiding.  I didn't get any pictures of the upstairs or the kids playing hide and seek all evening.  I was fortunate to just get to sit and visit with my son and his beautiful wife.  Around 8, it is time to say goodnight as all these grands have school tomorrow.  This day is a wrap.

Day 6 - It's been awhile since I was in charge of getting people to school, but we do it.  In fact, we are ready to go a full 20 minutes before we need to start walking.  Yay us.  The temps are a little cooler this morning but not bad enough to drive so we are walking.  I gotta get my steps in somehow.

Once the girls are dropped off, I have a quiet walk home by myself.  I could easily do this everyday.  Hmmmm.  Oh hey look at the sun coming up over the tops of the houses.  It makes the leaves on the trees simply glow.  I have to admit that I stop and just stare.  Such a pretty sight.

Well now what?  I have a whole day and nothing planned.  A quick peek at the internet shows me a coffee shop right down the street and off I go.  Yep, in the truck.

Mazevo is a great shop and I could easily hang here.  I find a nice table and set up my laptop to work on a few blog posts while sipping on the special of the day:  Autumn Fog - a fall spiced tea. It's kind of like a Chai but with some pumpkin flavor and milk.  I gotta admit -- it's dang good.

I hang at the coffee shop until it is time to meet up with Matt downtown for lunch.  He selects Stacked and I am treated to a full 1 1/2 hours with just my son.  My "mommy" is so happy.  I do love this one on one time and treasure it always.  Yep -- the camera stayed hidden so no proof the actual lunch.

He has to go back to work (drat) and I still have a couple hours before the girls need to be picked up.  That means I have time for a quilt shop and if I remember right, one of them is right down Grand from Rhiana's.  Yep, Four Winds is still there and I have a great time shopping.  I have a great QUILT SHOP LINK for you if you want to check it out.  At any rate, here are my goodies.

Matt and I made plans to get together again tonight and are meeting at a pizza place out near his house.  Once the girls have their homework finished, we are ready to go meet them.  More cousin time.

"Gammy, get down there with them."

A request for a pic of these two gets me this.  Matt claims that this is a smile.  Do you agree?

By the time we finish dinner, the sun is setting, leaving us with this cool sky filled with pink contrails.

Opting to walk across the parking lot for some frozen yogurt brings smiles all around.

Matt takes this picture

And then the shop owner comes over to take this one, which is then posted on the Billings Best Yogurt Facebook page.  Well, that's kinda fun.

As hard as it is, it's time to call this a night.  Another walk across the parking lot and then we are off to the airport to retrieve Rhiana and Kasey from their trip.  No cameras but once we have them and their luggage, it's home to get to bed for school tomorrow.  I'm beat.  See ya later.

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