Saturday, January 7, 2017

Winter has Arrived

SNOW!!!!  It's crazy but when the first flake fell, DFW Facebook friends knew it and spread the good news.  Just a skiff resulted, but oh I love it so.

There a some things I miss about living up north.  When I was sick, I couldn't handle the cold at all --- now, it's much easier and I do miss the snow -- to look at.  I don't miss driving or shoveling it at all.

Several time throughout the afternoon, Mister and I just stood and looked out the door.  Doesn't it make you want to snuggle?

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

It's 2017 --- crazy.  It means I am one year away from being 60.  Scary.  The day has been a bit rough around the edges but ended with a lovely meal prepared by my sweet man.  Mimosas with fresh squeezed orange juice and a ribeye steak.  Yum.

I hope this year finds everyone happy, healthy, and ready for new adventures.  I know I am.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 - Year in Review

Another year in Texas!!!!  I am still loving this state, more than I can say.  A Montana Girl I will always be, but . . . . gotta love Texas too.  I have thoroughly enjoyed this year and all that it brought.  Some not so good, but most crazy wonderful.  Here's the recap -

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is upon and since Mister and I rarely spend New Years Eve preparing or participating in the whole "party" scene, it's a great day to do other activities as the crowds are just not there.   We are just going to have a fun day together on the last day of 2016.  Am I sad or glad to see it go?  Well, in all honestly, I'm kinda glad.  This year has definitely had it's rough spots and I'm looking forward to some new experiences next year.  Fingers are crossed anyway.

The Dallas Museum of Art opens at 11 a.m. and since that's our first destination, I guess I should get dressed and ready to go.

The reason for the trip is that there are two exhibits we have not yet been able to immerse ourselves in and don't want to miss.  The first is "Divine Felines:  Cats of Ancient Egypt" and the second is "Art and Nature in the Middle Ages."  Both are absolutely wonderful and as we slowly work our way through them, we discover numerous items to peak our curiosity and gets me questioning.  Yep, that's me -- always wondering.

We also check out a wonderful batik exhibit (that's an entry all by itself so click HERE) and then are surprised with "Shaken, Stirred, Styled:  The Art of the Cocktail."  As we enter, Mister spots one of the collections and points them out.  What fun.  We own that set too.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!!

I ended yesterday's post wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and I'll start this one the same way.  I truly hope your hearts and filled with love and peace -- at least for today.  Hold each other close and make memories that can never be taken from you.  That's my plan.

After sleeping in a bit, I realize that if I want to finish my lefse before going to Abilene, I need to get up and get busy.  By 8 I am in the kitchen working away and my sweet man comes out to help thus enabling us to be finished in a little over an hour.  We settle in for some fresh lefse and tea for breakfast and then spend a little time opening packages and sharing in the fun of Christmas morning.  He has spoiled me once again and I am so lucky to have this man in my life.  This kids have sent some amazing treats and we just know there are many wonderful memories ahead of us.  This year is going to just be such fun.

Channeling my Cousin Cheri - Lefse Making

It's 5:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve and I have suddenly decided to make Lefse.  Now, keep in mind, I have not done this in YEARS.  Perhaps 30 or so as my daughter, Jen, remembers doing it with me once when she was young.  I was taught how to make it when still living in Bigfork and my cousin Cheri was visiting in Polson.  We spent one entire day making them and while I still remember the mechanics of it -- it has indeed been a while.  My children grew up eating lefse on Christmas Eve, but it was rarely made by me.  Up north you can buy it in the grocery store during the holidays.  I have yet to see it here in Texas.  That means, I need to get back to the basics and thought perhaps you'd like to take this journey with me today.

The first thing I do is make sure I have enough potatoes on hand.  I like Yukon Golds and therefore that is what I have, but they are not the starchiest potato and I remember that the starchier the better for lefse.  Oh well, these will work - they just may require a bit more flour along the way.  I'm never real big on measuring when cooking but ALWAYS when baking or working with a dough.  It's a bit of my own OCD.  I want 1 pound and, well, that's pretty dang close.  We are good to go.