Saturday, January 7, 2017

Winter has Arrived

SNOW!!!!  It's crazy but when the first flake fell, DFW Facebook friends knew it and spread the good news.  Just a skiff resulted, but oh I love it so.

There a some things I miss about living up north.  When I was sick, I couldn't handle the cold at all --- now, it's much easier and I do miss the snow -- to look at.  I don't miss driving or shoveling it at all.

Several time throughout the afternoon, Mister and I just stood and looked out the door.  Doesn't it make you want to snuggle?

As I am sitting on the sofa reading, I see Mister go outside and figure he is feeding the birds one last time before the day ends.  He's out there a bit longer than normal, but I'm busy and don't pay attention.  Shortly he enters the house again and delivers a snowman into my hands.  See why I adore this man?

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