Monday, January 30, 2017

The Singers are HERE!

Oooh, oooh oooh.  Guilt works sometimes.  A couple of weeks ago I was talking with my grandson and telling them to ask mom and dad for a visit.  Dad was listening and before the conversation ended, I left a not too subtle hint with him too.  Don't he and Bekah need a Las Vegas weekend?  Wouldn't that break up the winter for them?  That's it.  Enough said.

Two days later, Matt calls and says when I can take the kids?  I tell him that I get back from Amanda's on the 26th, flying into DFW.  We work it out so that they fly in that same evening so that I can get the kids and the two of them will continue onto Vegas for a couple of days before joining us.  Happy Dance!!!!  Now, today is the day.  I have said my good-byes in Telluride and am on my way to DFW.  I only have about an hour to wait before four smiling faces arrive and I give two hugs and send them on their way while scooping up the other two and heading for a waiting Grandpa.  First up is dinner as we are all starved and these two want cheeseburgers.  Hello In N Out.  He doesn't look like it, but Grandpa is happy to see them too.  Really?  How about a smile?

It was a late dinner and once we are home, bedtime is imminent.  Grandpa takes advantage of his time with these two as he has to work tomorrow and won't be able to be with them all day.  Let's snuggle down in and call it a day.  Stuffies are found and everyone has a sleep buddy.  Night all -- I'm beat as I have had a very "work" week.  You can read all about my time at Amanda's in THIS POST.  I really need some sleep.

Day two dawns and since Grandpa is working from home today, he gets some early morning play time with Zyra.  Hyrum sleeps in a bit longer but then snuggles in with me to show me what he has been up to.

Oh these moments just make my heart melt.

Okay, after breakfast, it's time to get moving.  The Children's Aquarium has been requested and requests are always met by Gammy if it is even remotely possible.

These two came prepared for how they wanted to spend their days and I love that about them.  They are also very familiar with the aquarium now, so I let them choose the path we will take.

The choice is to do one side first.  Okay, let's go.  The nautilus are always fascinating.  We also discover some very unique jelly fish.  They look like snowflakes.

A quick stop at the touch tank always brings smiles and some day perhaps Hyrum will be willing to give it a try too.

Alright, let's get to the main event.  STINGRAYS!

Oh they do love these and I have to admit that I do also.  It's kind of a chilly day today and soon their sleeves are completely soaked.  Oh well, it'll dry.  It is amazing to me but kids will stay in this area absolutely forever, especially if there are baby stingrays to sit and wait for.

Each one has to be touched many times and we even feed them as well.  After a bit, they both proclaim that they are finally cold and the fun stops.

Ah, but it is so sad to say good-bye.

We have one wing of the building to still see and just like that, we are off.  They check out each and every tank or exhibit thoroughly and when we reach the one pictured on the far right, this little black fish does a dance for us.  Seriously.  He shakes his backside at us over and over again until we are laughing so hard that we are holding our stomachs.

Well, that's it for the aquarium --- Zyra has one last minute with the shark jaw and we are gone.  It's absolutely been fun.

Now for some lunch and they have requested Wendy's for the Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers.  What?  We just had burgers last night.  Please Gammy.  Okay, here we go.  They both do their own order (correctly) and we sit down.  When the food arrives, Zyra is not happy because her burger does not have bacon on it but she is eating it anyway.  About that time, the manager walks by and asks if everything is okay.  I nod at her and say, "Go ahead and tell him."  She explains what has happened and he offers to make them new burgers.  At this point they have almost eaten the ones they got and I suggest that perhaps another two burgers would go to waste.  So, this wonderful manager asks if perhaps they would like mini Frosty's instead.  Nice job.  Smiles all around and Zyra has learned an important lesson.  Speak up when asked.  Once their food is finished, they are free to put together the toy that came with their meals.  Strange if you ask me.  Of course, no one did.

One would think that our day would be over by now, but no.  We are off to the theater to see Moana.  I think this one sounds fun and they haven't seen it yet.  Once we buy out tickets, we have a few minutes to kill and, well, the LEGO store is nearby.  With a new project in hands by the time we leave the store, everyone is excited for both the movie and afterward.

I think all three of us would say that we laughed more at the dang chicken than anything else.   Crazy silly.  Now it's time to go home and the first thing these two want to do is play quietly with the new LEGO sets.  No worries.  Play away.  It's been a packed day.

Grandpa decides to keep the fun going by taking everyone out for pizza.  Now that's a sweet man as I really am not in the mood to cook tonight.

Zyra orders this bowl of spaghetti that is HUGE and yet somehow she makes it all disappear, shocking not only us, but the waitress as well as she tells us that most adults don't finish it.  Where does she put all the food?  I really shouldn't talk as the rest of us manage to eat half of the largest pizza I have ever seen.  Note to self:  order less when at Verona.  Oh my.

That's about it for today.  I'm done in, but Grandpa keeps going and they have a great game of Fish before bedtime.  It's been an absolutely wonderful day, but tomorrow's plans are just as busy so we'd better get some shut eye.

Day three begins and we are chilling in bed.  Oh goodness, this feels so nice.  I don't want to get up but tummies are rumbling for breakfast and our day's adventure awaits.

The number one thing my little gems want to do is the Zoo and they waited until today so that Grandpa could go along.  That warms his heart so very much.

It's time to get going.  We want to be there when it opens.

Hello Zoo.

It's a lovely day and our first major stop is the lorikeets.  We are the first ones in today and they appear to be hungry and ready to be social.  Awesome score for these two.

I just couldn't pick one or two pictures.  I love this place as much as the grands do.

I have no idea what is on Grandpa's shoes, but they are most interested in it.

We continue our wander through Zoo North and make a stop at the reptile building upon request.  I will admit that ever since Cassie had a couple of snakes as pets, I have looked at them in an entirely different light.  As long as I'm aware of their proximity, I'm okay with them and thoroughly enjoy their different colors and designs.  This one has a tiny frog just sitting on him and the keeper says that there is no concern at all.  The frog is just too small to be worth the snakes time.  Hahahaha.

The anteaters are out today and having a delightful snack which gives us lots of chances to answer questions.

It's such an interesting creature - don't you agree?  I mean -- crazy design for sure.

I think it's great for the grands to have a Grandpa that is a zoologist.  He is just full of information and they eat it up.  These are the Giant Anteaters and their sticky tongues are like 2 feet long.  Dang.

It seems that birds are the favored item today as we make a stop at the Bird's Landing in the Children's Zoo.  Grandpa seems to just be a magnet and it's obvious we are both taking pictures today.

Now, HERE - is an artist at work.  Never mind the bird on the head, don't miss the shot.

I am always interested in his perspective and the way his eye works as he is photographing.  The birds are not real eager to see anyone but him, so a nice gentleman nearby hands one to Zyra so that she can feed it.  What a nice man.

I notice a beautiful pheasant nearby and he strikes a pose for me.  Nice.

Yes, I hold birds too, although not by my choice this time.

Our next stop is the Wings of Wonder bird show ( I said it is a bird day for us).  At one point, the keeper asks for a volunteer and Zyra's hand shoots up so fast.  She is selected to go down and throw a grape in the air for the bird to catch.  For this she is given a wristband as a reward and now I know we need to somehow get another.

Fortunately, I've seen this show a time or two and I am ready for the next opportunity.  I have a dollar bill in my hand and show it instantly when the request is made.  I then stand and the bird comes and takes my dollar and then returns with a second wrist bracelet.  Success.  Sorry, Grandpa's pic of me doing that is just not the best but here's the video of Zyra.

It's time to leave Zoo North and make a trip to the Wilds of Africa.  The monorail is working and these two inform me that they have not had the chance to ride it before.  What????  I can't believe that but Grandpa reminds me that it was not operating for almost a year while they made some improvements.  That's right.  Well, time to remedy the situation.  They enjoy the ride and get to see some animals not often spotted.

Okay it's time for a run over to the Savannah to say hello to the elephants and lions and giraffes.  They are all out and after we wander around for awhile (the giraffes are not being fed right now), it is decided that we are done.

That means there is only one thing left to do and it is the obligatory elephant pictures.  Let's get 'er done.

Whew.  I'm tired and ready for a sit down in the car.  It's been a great day and I would do it all over again tomorrow if I could.

On the way home, Grandpa makes a stop at Central Market for a few groceries and the kids get to help out in the produce department.  They love taking the bags over to the scales, punching in the numbers and getting the tags.  I love the help.  As we round the corner to the bakery, they are making fresh tortillas and I sneak the kids up as close as I can to watch.  The baker spots then and instead of scolding us - offers each of them a fresh tortilla.  Yum.

That's truly it for today.  We are going home to relax for awhile and then have some dinner.  Perhaps a movie and game.  Who knows.  What I do know is that the camera is being put away and we are just going to enjoy our last night alone with these two.  Mom and Dad arrive tomorrow.

Day four - Ahh my heart.  To have someone come and cuddle first thing is something I miss each and every day.  Good morning all.

It's Sunday and that means coffee shop day.  Grandpa has officially converted them all and this is also a most requested item.  It's a lovely day and our walk down is delightful.

With hot chocolates and pastries, breakfast is taken care of.  Yep, super healthy - sorry parents, but it's our duty as grandparents to make things as fun as we possibly can.

Zyra discovers how to write on the counter top with either her fork or her fingernails.  We talk about how it is okay here but not everywhere.  See, I CAN teach good things too.

Once we are back at the house, it is time to go and pick up Matt and Becca at the airport.

The kids opt to stay home with Grandpa and away I go.  It's a quick and easy pickup and I am thankful to have this time in the car to just visit while we drive back home.  They had so much fun in Vegas and so it was a win, win.  I had time with my grands and they had a getaway together.

Upon our return, we discover that Grandpa has Zyra working on a paint project and he is playing chess with Hyrum up at the table.  Way to go Grandpa.  Here's Zyra's final creation.

And here is the result of Hyrum's time --- now he wants to play with Dad too.

Yes, that long-haired hippy is my son.  And I like it.

Once that game is finished, Hyrum does not wish to stop and Matt sets him up playing online on the "easy" setting.  I can't wait to see how long this interest lasts.  Chess was one of the few things that Matt did as a teen (and kept it pretty much a secret as he said it labeled him as a "nerd") and enjoys it still.

As per the usual request, we are off to Rafain, a Brazilian Steakhouse here that Becca loves.  Becca's cousin, Bruno, lives in the Metroplex too and so joins us for dinner.  Meat, meat, and more meat.  Once every couple of years is sufficient for me, although I DO love the grilled pineapple.  Oh yum.  (What is on my face in this picture?   I bet the waiter had dirty fingers and got something on the lens.  Either that or I have some unknown disease that only shows up through the lens.)

Upon our arrival back home, out comes the cards for a game.  I'm sure we have tables in this house or at least more comfortable places to play, but this is the spot they have chosen.  Me?  I take complete advantage of my son being here and just sit and talk with him and his beautiful wife all evening.

All too soon, though, it is bedtime and that means pretty much good-bye time.  Their flight is super early in the morning and these two will be walking zombies by then.  I have had such fun this week.  I so wish I lived closer to these two but will just have to schedule a return visit as soon as I can.  How about next week?

A quick picture for my memory and off they go to dreamland.

1 comment:

  1. Appreciate your sharing these entries, If I remember you quilt, so my suggestion is maybe you could make a quilt tot sized for what Hubby and granddaughter painted, it looked like a quilt block to me. lol Still awesome that you have such quality time with your family, thank you so much for sharing.
