Sunday, March 6, 2016

Jackson Pollock at the DMA

It's a date day!!!! Squeeeaaalll.  I have been away from my sweetie for quite awhile and just want a wandering around, enjoy each other day.  We are off to the DMA for the Jackson Pollock exhibit.  Take a peek at our eye candy.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Days at Jen's

After Bekah's cotillion, Mister transferred all of my "stuff" (i.e. - suitcase, carry-on, AND all the sewing things I had him put in the trunk before he left to join me in Colorado) into Jen's van and we left to find a hotel while my sweetie made the journey back home to relax a day before work starts again.  Yes, I am still on the road even though I am actually back in Texas and was literally in the metroplex for about 1/2 an hour.  Oh my.

After a good night's sleep, we are on the road again.  Off to Abilene.  My sweet daughter is camped out in the middle seat totally surrounded by the plans that Bekah received last night while Bekah is in the far back, packed in with all of her grandmother's "stuff", more plants, and a big white dress.  Yep, she's happy.  We arrive at the house a few hours later and the first thing Bekah does is show me her car.  Woohoo.  I am so happy for her.  However, for now -- it is time to clean and organize for the week.  We get Jen off to bed while the boys and I tackle the downstairs of the house.  Soon, we are in ship shape and ready to prepare for school tomorrow.  I am ready for some sleep as well.

It's Monday (Leap Day) and once the school drop-offs are finished, Jen is feeling up to a quick trip to get some supplies for decorating the soccer lockers.  We find some golden stars, purple feathers and ribbon, and some M@M's to work with.  I also suggest that I can make some kleenex holders for the girls so we make a short pit stop at Hancock's and pick up some fabric.  Now to get Jen back to bed and me to the sewing machine.

A couple of hours later, I have the tissue holders ready and Jen is awake and ready to help put the locker decorations together.  Then, it's off to the school to get everything ready before doing the school pick-up and deliveries all over again.

At this point, somehow my camera has gone into hiding.  What's up with that?  No pics for tonight.  Louis and I take Bekah's non-starting (which apparently has happened A LOT) car to get it fixed and we just have leftovers for dinner from all the delicious meals that have been dropped off here the past week or so.  Nice and easy.  Homework and bed.

 It's another day and after drops, I settle in with getting my retreat projects drawn and ironed onto the wool while doing laundry and visiting with Jen while she is awake.  After that -- just regular life.  I'm loving the time with Jen --- so fun to be able to see her every day.

Wednesday is here.  Wow -- the week is already half over.  Today is finish laundry, clean patio, shop for soccer dinner tomorrow, cut and kit up retreat projects, and let Jen have the honor of making the prototype for me.  It actually all gets done.  Are we good or what.  AND --- Jen spent the majority of the day in bed resting still.  Yep.  Teamwork.  (Doesn't Jen's leprechaun look good?)

It's Thursday and that means the soccer dinner is tonight.  Once I have all the drop-offs finished, it's time to clean up my sewing mess and rearrange the dining room to feed everyone.  I'm still plugging along at the laundry (oh goodness, now I remember what it was like when I had five of my own running around the house) but am down to 2 loads a day now -- just the regular stuff.  We bake brownies, prepare condiments for burgers and brats, open bags of chips, and make lemonade just as the barrage hits.  Eighteen lovely young ladies full of smiles and energy.  It feels good to do this again.  These are the things I miss now that all my children are grown.  (Meanwhile, the teen boys have relocated to the garage to play games, except for the piano solo by Jon which is requested by the girls.)

Doesn't my granddaughter look happy here?

Unlike these ladies, who look like they are enjoying themselves completely.

At one point, they all go up to Bekah's room where she treats them to a rare drum performance and I am incredibly jealous as I stand at the bottom of the stairs to listen.  Ahh, sure wish she would play for me but apparently I am intimidating.  Or something.

It's the end of another day.  The mess is cleaned up and everyone is happy.  Night.

Friday - It's my last day and I am trying to let Jen rest as much as possible.  She did a bit too much yesterday with the party and all.  I, once again, have created a wonderful sewing mess.  I really want to finish the back to a quilt and with some furry help, I accomplish just that.  What a little sweetie.  She decided that the selvages from my fabric were the perfect play toy.  That is, when she wasn't sitting on my fabric trying to stop me from measuring.  Jen and I make a trip to pick up Bekah's car, which is hopefully fixed correctly this time, as a surprise to her.

Our evening entertainment is Bekah's soccer game.  When we arrive, they are handing out shirts and I score on one.  Fun for me -- it has her name on it.  The first thing I see when I enter the stadium is:

Just before the game starts, the sign is taken down and I get a chance to see the back of it.

I'm not sure I understand that one, but it's great that they are there.  Especially since there are very few signs at all.  She is the back-up goalie this year making her playing time minimal; but tonight I am lucky as she is indeed in the game. 


The game ends well with a win and afterwards, I take her fixed car over to her - earning me smiles and "best Gammy" accolades.  Well, plus I gave her money for food.  Yes, bribery works.

I am heading home in the morning as Mister is coming to get me.  I have only two days to prepare for retreat and Jen will be joining me there for another 4 days of rest.  As I go to sleep, I look over at Jared.  He is determined to watch his movie first.  What do you think?  Night all.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Bekah's Cotillion

The crazy day is about to begin.  We are off before 6:00 a.m. to catch a shuttle to Montrose for Mister's flight at 10 and then mine 2 1/2 hours later.  Believe it or not, we will land in Dallas at almost the exact same time as he has a layover in Denver and my flight is non-stop.  Everything has to go perfectly for the rest of our day to work out.  Bye Mister.

A crazy miracle has helped us out as we land.  BOTH planes land about 15-20 minutes early AND my luggage arrives quick.  By the time Mister retrieves the car, I am out front waiting for him.  We point the car south and have 2 1/2 hours to get to Temple, TX (along with a clothes change) in order to be there in time for Bekah's Wildflower Ball (Cotillion).  Again, luck is on our side and we don't have any traffic issues, arriving with enough time to park in the back of the lot and change into formal wear.  Yep, we are just that good.  Quilts on the windows and naked people behind them in a parking lot.  Don't all grandparents behave this way?

Friday, February 26, 2016

Telluride Trip as Amanda Models for T.A.B. - Day 6

Before we can even get out of the house this morning, Grandpa has given toys and boys must play.  A little ingenuity and fun can be created out of most anything.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Telluride Trip as Amanda Models for T.A.B. - Day 5

Mister and I are off for the morning and the first thing is to drop off kids at school BUT we make a quick stop at an overlook so that he can grab a couple of pictures.  Isn't it gorgeous?

I love this spot as you can see so many wonderful peaks while still seeing the valley as well.  Ah, the mountains have a way of filling the soul and making one look at life through entirely different eyes.  Put some snow on them and everything is even better still.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Telluride Trip as Amanda Models for T.A.B.- Days 1-4

After leaving Las Vegas at midnight and a 5 hour layover in Dallas that resulted in a failed attempt to spend time with Mister (I was just too dang tired), I arrived in Montrose around 11 a.m. and immediately went grocery shopping with Amanda, Raef, and Caleb.  Once we returned to the house, Amanda was off to rehearsals for the T.A.B. show (which I will explain later) and the boys and I hung out until Trent got home.  A quick dinner and then to bed for me.  I am totally beat and completely unable to type in the present tense.  See ya tomorrow.

GOOD MORNING!  It's a sew day for me as I have the house all to myself.  Woohoo.  I am able to finish a top and the backing/binding for it.  Yes, this is a good day.  I really didn't take any pictures except for the quilt blog so you'll just have to keep reading.  Oh yeah -- last night I told you I would explain what T.A.B. is.  Well, it is the Telluride AIDS Benefit, a fundraiser for children with AIDS, and Amanda was selected as a model for it and started rehearsals during my last visit in January.  It is now time for the rigorous rehearsal/performance schedule to commence and thus the reason for my trip here.  I am a helper.  Well -- and a very proud mommy.

Our evening is spent just getting dinner, homework, and baths complete.  Whew.  I still haven't taken my camera out to play.  Must change that.  Tomorrow is a new day.

Day three dawns beautifully.  This is my view as I sit and sew quietly in the mountains again today.  It is my last day to be on my own as Mister arrives tomorrow and then Rhiana and Kasey the following day.  The house is going to fill for sure and we will be on the go the rest of the trip.

I spend all day working on a group project and get cleaned up just before I  need to pick up grands from school and start the evening rituals.  The boys and make a trip into town to catch a movie.  Kung Fu Panda 3.  Yep, it was fun and such a cute movie.

 Hey, at least I took one picture today.  I promise to do better.  Or at least Mister will when he arrives.

Day four and after dropping kids at school, I am off to Montrose in the "super fun to drive" Subaru of Amandas.  What a great little car.  Mister arrives at the airport early and thus has to wait for me to get there.  At least this time when I see him, I am a bit more awake and nicer.  It's definitely a bonus for him.

I have wanted to see the Black Canyon each time I visit here and Mister says it is pretty close to Montrose so off we go.  We both  need some "vacay" time together.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Vegas with Mom, Sis, and Joe

Awhile back, my mother mentioned that she would like to get away this winter and go to Vegas.  It's a cheap flight for them up in Montana as they have Allegiant Air but here in the Metroplex, this dang flight is usually pretty expensive.  I watched and watched for a deal and when one came about, I called and plans were made.

I fly in very late the night (or early in the morning if you want to look at it that way) before everyone else and find my way to the Luxor where we are staying.  It's pretty quiet in here when you arrive in the middle of the night.