It's a date day!!!! Squeeeaaalll. I have been away from my sweetie for quite awhile and just want a wandering around, enjoy each other day. We are off to the DMA for the Jackson Pollock exhibit. Take a peek at our eye candy.
I do love his scribbles. I am NOT being disrespectful there. Anyone who can do what he does is super amazing to me, but they still look like very cool scribbles.
Ah, one of my favorites: Convergence. This is likely his most famous painting of all. I adore it and the color palette touches me as well since he has some browns and bronzes in it.
As we are leaving the exhibit, I spot this. I can relate as I like to lay my quilt tops on the floor for their finishing moments.
They also have a showing of a Vermeer. I adore his work as well. Isn't this wonderful. But oh so tiny.
As we are leaving, a quick stop in the gift shop nets me this wonderful discovery. Placemats and a table runner made from sawn logs. Oh, Mister ----- (wink, wink).
I also find a book that tells about each person according to their birthdate. Fiction or non?
I think it fits. See ya again soon.
Nice! I love how you find nuggets to relate to quilting. Hugs, Allison