Friday, March 18, 2016

Utah Days 1&2

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!  Yes, we are all wearing green as our "ode" to St. Patrick.  Do you know why we wear green?  It's representative of the shamrock that St. Patrick used when trying to explain the concept of deity - the Godhead.  This explanation greatly help him in his efforts of conversion in Ireland.  This day of honor actually falls on his death day.  A bit odd as most of the time when someone is remembered, the day of honor is placed on their birthday.  A little known tidbit is that originally "blue" was associated with St. Patrick, green came along later.  Okay, enough with the history ---

I am the first one awake and hear Miss Ophelia in her room so I sneak in and close the door quietly, letting Cassie get some additional sleep.  We read books and play with her fabric "paper" doll that I gave her before she asks to go and color.  Coloring it is.  Apparently I must color too but at breakneck speed.  The moment my color touches the page, it is time to turn to another one.  As a result, EVERY page as a bit colored on it and no pages are finished.  Okay, now that I know the rules for the coloring books, let's try some plain paper.  Here, we are allowed to draw a week bit longer and I take advantage to make a memory page that we can both look back on.  Ah, fun times.

We are treated to a wonderful breakfast and then are off to the Life Science Museum for the morning.  There is a play area and that is the absolute first place "Oph" wants to go.  (Yes, that is the name she has given herself.)  Usually the large grizzly bear just inside the door growls if you walk towards it, but today it is not operating and she is very confused by that.

The little tunnel shown on the left here is super dark and apparently has a lit up scary animal in it.  She did not want to go in (as she has done so in the past and discovered the horrors) but a nice school girl offered her a flashlight to make it through with.  Great idea.

Home again, home again -- jiggety jig.  During nap time, Cassie and I set about hanging her pictures on the wall.  Measurements, drawings, layouts on the floor . . . hmmm sounds like home and quilt making.  It takes the entire nap time, but we manage to get it done and not a single hole in the wall either.  All lines are erased off and she has a lovely wall grouping now.  I like it.  (Course, with a new baby on the way -- new pictures may replace some of these.)

The minute Oph is awake, she wants to draw again.  Okay, I'm happy to help but this time I hang back a bit and watch until she discovers that I am not holding a crayon.  Now, I must attempt to color again.  Same process.

Once she is tired of "draw", we set up to "cook."  Yes, she knows the words in quotes.  I am amazed at how smart she is and what fun to be around.  She is on top of the alphabet, colors, shapes, body parts, clothes, etc.  What a little sponge she is --- you say it, she retains it.

Yes, she even has a St. Patrick's Day hat.  Of course we forgot to use it until right before bed and then grabbed these pictures.

It's the end of day one here and I am lucky enough to have many more.  See ya tomorrow.

Day two is brisk and beautiful here in the Salt Lake Valley.  The mountains are still topped with snow but it's nice enough to get outside a bit.  We are off to the park for our morning adventure.  Oh yeah --- we get to feed the ducks too.  It's been several years since I have done this with grands and remember doing it all the time with my own littles.  (Ophelia's bread pieces are a bit large as they are flung, causing some brief disagreements over who owns them in the water.)

Next up:  swings.  Ah, also look at the wonderful backdrop in the pictures.  I DO love the mountains.

Love this one but after several attempts, could never catch her giggle and mommy in the same pic.

It's time for slide and after several times down the double with Mommy, she wants to do the taller one.  I take her down the first several times with me and then Cassie goes down with her a few times, before letting her go on her own.  (Yes, it warmed up enough for a jacket change.)

 She does great and has such a good time.  I love the enthusiasm of discovering a new ability.  "I can do it."  Wonderful.

Cassie sent me some pictures of me helping/sliding with O.  (Before she became independent.)


As we go to leave, Oph falls into her car seat rather interestingly and waits as I ask to take a picture.  How cute is this?  (Mom is ducking in the background - yep, that's her hand.)

Finishing out the day?  PIZZA of course. I want to treat and I know she will love it.  I don't know how four pieces of pizza go into this little girl, but they do.  One small bite at a time.  After dinner, it's home for bath and bed.  See ya tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! You did a good describing all your fun to me during a sew day. Even better to see the pictures. Hugs, Allison
