Thursday, January 7, 2016

Back to Montana - Rhiana's Family - Days 1-3

It's time to get this new travel year started!  I'm on an early morning flight to Montana for a week with Matt and Rhiana's families.   I haven't had a winter visit up there in a long time.  I'm packed, a the airport and waiting -- let's fly.

Upon my arrival, I exit the building and discover that no one is here to pick me up.  Well this is an auspicious beginning.  I get a cab and instruct the driver to take me to the school where Rhiana teaches.  After a quick hello to my daughter and her classroom, Kasey picks me up and we are soon on our way to get Malea so that I can have some one on one time with her while everyone else works.  There is a sweet little puppy in the truck as well and although I'm not a dog person, I could do this one.  She is just so tiny.  Say hello to June Bug.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 - Year in Review

Wow -- another year has come and gone.  It truly seems that the older one gets, the quicker the years fly by.  I have absolutely no idea where it went.  Shall we take a look back and see?

January started out with Elena and Malea here for 2 weeks.  What a super special treat for us.  From there we went right into watching the Ohio State Marching Band - which I have admired for YEARS -- and then off to Boston I went with my nephew, Bob.  That was such a fun time and so great for both of us.  With such a great start to the new year, this month ended on a really tough note.  A dear friend lost his battle with cancer and I lost a true soul mate.  I don't think I've known sadness this deep before.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Christmas TRAIN!! for Mister

We were out estate sale shopping and came across this lovely Christmas train for a decent price.  Sometimes the kid in us all just has to come out.  It's now under our tree.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Josh's Baptism -- Fun Family Time

After a leisurely morning, Mister and I hit the road at noon for Abilene.  It's almost a three hour drive and we spend it visiting for awhile before I grab a notepad and start making some rough outlines of the week ahead.  Yeah, I'm just that anal.

Jen's house is always busy and today is no exception.  This is an exciting day with lots to prepare.  Josh had his birthday a couple of weeks ago so the first thing we do is give him his card.  I love the way he takes the time to read it and moves his finger along while doing so.  Then, the smile.  Yep, always makes it all worth it.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Making Tomato Bisque for Lunch

Starting with 6 large, fresh, ripe tomatoes:  Peel, seed, and chop.  To get the skins off, place the tomatoes in boiling water for about 30 seconds.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

I absolutely LOVE this time of year.  The house just looks so cozy and warm with all of the extra "stuff" around.  I know some think their houses look cluttered during the holidays, but I just embrace it and love it all the more.  Today, we turned our home into the magic of Christmas.  After bringing everything down from the attic, I set to work inside while Mister tackled the yard.  Apparently before lights can go up, bushes must be trimmed.  Thus Mr. Green Jeans sets to work.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Postmodern Jukebox Concert

Thanks to a wonderful gift from Mister's brother, we are off to a Postmodern Jukebox concert tonight down in Deep Ellum.  I am so excited and I don't even know what it is all about.

We have pretty good seats if people actually sit at this concert.  If not, well I won't see much.